Chapter 13

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Creg took another step closer, intimidating the Forgener slightly. However, the Forgener kept his position still as he watched Creg move closer. His expression remained the same. Creg decided to take this moment to change his entire body into metal. Right as he does this, he moves into attack. He throws his fist toward Forgener, but Forgener quickly dodges out of the way. Using the arm and fist Forgener had changed into metal to throw a punch into Creg's waist.

Creg felt as the Forgener punched his waist, making him forward in pain. Though, he quickly moves his leg over to trip Forgener face forward as he attempts to get past him. Forgener almost drops Suzan onto the floor, but keeps her wrapped around his shoulder. Forgener keeps his balance and almost gets through the door of the house. By the time Forgener was about to go through the doorway, he stopped. It was as though Forgener was frozen solid.

Creg slowly pushes himself back to his feet, looking over to Forgener. His expression turned to confusion as he stared. Creg started to slowly walk up to Forgener, but stopped before he got too close. He refused to move another muscle, in case Forgener attempted to hurt him. However, another voice was heard from outside. This time, it came from someone Creg knew the origin of. "Creg, hurry. I can only hold him for so long..."

Creg knew that the voice was coming from Josh. The best friend he was trying to search all day for. Now, he was standing outside conveniently. Creg took this moment and chance to grab Suzan from Forgener's grasp and take several steps away. He kept Suzan over his shoulders as he made his way toward the back door of the house. Right as he was about to rush through the back door. He heard Josh's voice vibrate through the house. "Run! He's coming after you!"

Creg punched through the backdoor, almost taking it off its hinges as he ran outside. Josh was immediately seen running around the house, pointing toward behind Creg. "Go! Go! Go!" Josh waved his hand toward him to direct Creg toward him. Creg instead decided to take Suzan and throw her toward Josh to catch her. Luckily, Josh succeeds and catches Suzan into his grasp. While doing so, Creg turns his body with another punch behind him.

As Creg turned around, he saw Forgener about to punch Creg as well. Only this time, both of the fists were about to come in contact with each other. The second that the two hit each other, a loud and large shockwave erupted from them. Causing both Forgener and Creg to be knocked several feet away from each other. Creg and Forgener landed on their backs, but Creg quickly stood back up as he did.

Josh held Suzan in his arms as he hands her back to him. Creg once again places Suzan over his shoulder. Before they knew it, they begin running from the scene that portrayed. Creg constantly looked over his shoulder, worried that Forgener was following them. However, the only thing that Creg saw was the empty house. No taken over by Forgener for his own base. Creg was frightened to return, knowing that Forgener had a part of his own powers.

By the time that they arrived back at Josh's house, they started panting. Creg held Suzan over his shoulder, but didn't show any sign of exhaustion from the run. Josh struggled to breathe for a second as he looked backwards. Neither of them noticed Forgener following them, giving them a good sign. Josh sighed as he looked over to Creg. He watched as Angie rushed through the front door and grew a surprised expression.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?!" Creg took Suzan off his shoulders, Angie and him helped to wake her up. When Suzan woke up, her eyes widened as she questioned where she was. Angie looked up to Creg and Josh, "I'll take her inside..." When her eyes fell onto Josh, she grew relieved. "And thank gosh you came home. I thought something happened to you." Angie rushed inside along with Suzan.

Neither Creg or Josh followed her inside. Instead, Creg slowly turned toward Josh with both, a worried and confused expression. "Where the hell did you go? You didn't come to school today."

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