Chapter 10

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Josh and Creg rushed over toward the front door and window. Nick remained cautious behind them as he looked back toward Suzan and Angie. Suzan and Angie's expressions were filled with worry and fear. Josh moved the curtain out of the way for a second as he peeked outside. What his eyes gazed upon, made him flinch backwards in panic.

Forgener, the man that was trying to kill them. Was standing in the middle of the front lawn. Staring at the front of the house motionless. Creg looked through the eye hole, noticing the Forgener as well. He looked over to Josh, "He's just standing there. What do we do?" Josh looked over to Nick and the girls behind him. He returned the look back to Creg after thinking for a second.

"The only thought that comes to mind is... Talk to him." This made Creg shake his head.

"Oh hell no, bro. You expect me to go out there and talk to a creepy psycho like him?" Creg continued to shake his head, but Josh attempted to comfort him.

"We need to understand what his deal is. The only way we'll know is by actually making a conversation with him." Creg pants in worry, but Josh successfully comforted and convinced him. Afterwards, Josh looked back toward Suzan, Angie and Nick. "All of us are going out there. Including you Suzan."

"Why me? I'm not the one who personally met him and almost had him kill me?"

Angie nodded in agreement. "Let's leave her out of this. I think he just wants us four." Josh looked toward the window in thought, before eventually nodding.

"Fine, Suzan you better find somewhere to hide until we're done." Suzan slightly nodded, before beginning to head upstairs. Josh stared at the door, his heart pumping harshly and quickly. Creg stopped Josh before he could leave first. Creg told Josh to stay behind him for safety, as he began to open the door carefully and slowly.

Creg leaves the building first, looking toward the Forgener that was standing in the middle of the front lawn. The Forgener's eyes looked over to Creg and the others as they began to leave the house. Josh remained between Creg and Nick as they walked over to him. They stopped six feet away from Forgener, while he stared back at each of them.

Josh looked over to Creg, noticing him getting ready to transform. Then, Josh looked back over to Forgener and was the first one to speak up. "Are you trying to kill us? And if so, why?" When Josh asked this question, Forgener showed his first signs of movement. His head moved upwards as he opened his mouth a little, before closing it again. No response came out of his mouth, making Creg repeat the question.

"Who exactly are you?" When Creg asked, Forgener finally spoke.

"I bring up the fear and helplessness of millions of people across the world. To show that there is no faith." Nick took a step back in worry, looking over to Josh and Creg.

Creg asked another question, "Why attack us?"

Forgener looked over to Creg, a large smile appearing on his face. "You are the closest to faith. For fear to kick in, one must simply remove the blockage." Forgener's eyes begin to move upon each of the four. Starting from Creg and moving over to Angie, standing beside Nick. "You are cheaters, and the world doesn't appreciate cheaters."

Angie chuckled a little, "You can't say what the world wants and doesn't like. That isn't your call."

Forgener held his smile as it grew into a grin. "I am the fear that one holds..." As soon as he finishes speaking, Forgener leaps toward Angie and shape shifts his arm into metal. Before Forgener could successfully hit Angie, Nick quickly moves Angie out of the way. Forgener punches the earth below him, before looking up to Josh and Creg.

Right as Forgener stands up and begins approaching Josh. Creg pushes Josh out of the way as he defends him. Forgener punches first toward Creg's chest until Creg catches it with an arm and twists it. Forgener's other arm shapeshifts into metal and punches Creg in the gut. Creg yells in pain but head budds against Forgener. Causing Forgener to be pushed a few feet backwards.

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