Chapter 8

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Nick was standing by Josh's front door, knocking constantly and rough. "Josh? Are you home? Or Angie? I was able to sneak out of my house again." Nick called out with a loud voice in hopes anybody hears him. No response or movement from inside was heard, leaving Nick in the sunlight with a raging sun above him. Nick looked around at each of the windows. He doesn't notice any movement of the window curtains, leaving him slightly confused and worried. "Josh! I know you're home. It's like an hour before school starts man." Nick calls out again.

Nick notices that there were people looking over at him. A few of them gave him quick glances, while two of the people gave him annoyed expressions. As though they didn't appreciate his loud voice so early in the morning. Nick sighed with annoyance, as he began to head toward the back door of the house. He marches his way to the side where he is greeted by a gate locked. His eye rolls as he vibrates through the gate and onto the other side.

Nick was instantly greeted by tall weeds and grass that haven't been mown in a long time. "Oh come on Josh. Take care of your yard man." Nick mentions with annoyance as he swings his arms outwards to move the grass out of his face. When he got to the back, he marched toward the door and reached his arm out toward the doorknob. By the second he turned the knob and pushed in, the door swung open quickly. This gave Nick instant worry, standing by the doorway with a gulp. "Oh boy... Not a good sign. Huh Nick?" He asked himself, but he didn't respond to his own question.

Nick begins his way through the door, closing it behind him. He hears no signs of sound anywhere inside, making him have to ask another question. He speaks not so loud this time, hoping that someone was close by to respond. "Hello?" A quick response was heard from his right, when a hand went out to hold it in front of him. The hand quickly pulls him in, keeping the hand over his mouth and preventing him from speaking. The person that was holding him closely and blocking his mouth shushed him to not say anything.

When Nick looked up, he noticed that it was Angie. Nick used his speed to escape from her grasps. "What... The fuck was that about?!" Nick called out with almost a yell. Although, Angie insisted he remained quiet. She shushed him, before looking over to Creg hiding beneath the stairs.

"Was he followed?" Angie called out to him, rushing Creg to take a peep outside. Creg rushed over to the front window, slowly moving the curtain out of the way. Creg searched the surroundings, before looking back toward her.

"No, he's clear." Creg mentions, allowing Angie to look back to Nick standing in complete confusion.

"What... The hell is going on here? I was literally just grounded and you guys are acting as though the principal called the cops on you." Nick says loudly, demanding to know the answer from the strange answer. That's when Josh took a few steps down the stairs, his hair was messy with his expression showing exhaustion.

"That's not the reason we are hiding. We are hiding because..." Before Josh could speak, Creg opens up with him nearly pointing his finger toward Angie.

"Me and her killed someone last night." Angie scoffed from Creg pointing fingers toward her.

"So what? It's my fault that I couldn't control my powers? I'm sorry Mr. Metal Mc. Gee." When Angie said Creg's new name, Nick nearly begins laughing. Angie's eyes looked over to Nick, who was laughing from the comment. "What are you? Six?"

Creg transforms into his metal form. "Are you insulting us now?" Creg asks her with annoyance as he took a few steps in front of her.

"Maybe I am." Angie's expression had lightning bolting through her eyes with rage. It was as though she was really pissed at him. "Who wants to find out?" Angie asks again, but Josh stops the confrontation between them.

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