Chapter 16

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As Josh watched the five teenagers escape the portal behind them. A teenager who was shorter than the others, collapsed his fingers into a fist. Causing the portal behind them to collapse as well. The taller teenager in the middle looked straight into the Forgener's eyes with a serious expression. He spoke up after a minute of silence passed by. "You're going to have to deal with us first." He mentioned.

This made Forgener growl as he leaped toward them. Almost instantly, the group scattered before Forgener could successfully hit any of them. The same teenager who spoke rushed over beside Josh and helped him up to his feet. "You okay? We came as fast as we could." Josh took the teenager's hand and got up to his feet again.

When Josh looked back up to Forgener, he watched as one of the teenagers in the group with barely any clothes except with pants leaped out of a portal from the side. They yanked out what appeared to be a sharp object from their own body and slashed against Forgener. As the portal vanished and he hit Forgener. Another portal appeared behind the teen, backing up into the portal before vanishing through it.

Forgener quickly notices the tall teenager beside Josh. He almost instantly attempts to use his metal arm to hit him. Although, the teenager pushes Josh away as his entire body transforms into a solid ice. He dodges the attack and touches the metal arm, making it change into ice as well. Forgener struggles to move his arm, before the teenager quickly hits the frozen arm with his fist. Upon instantly the arm shattered into multiple shards of ice. Forgener screams in pain as he takes a step back.

Forgener looks down at his decapitated arm, a surprised expression turning into pure rage. Another teenager who was the second tallest, a woman in a fancy robe comes from behind. A large beam of light forms out of her hand, creating a sword before stabbing into Forgener's chest. The tip of the energy sword appeared on the other side of Forgener as she carefully lifted him into the air. Not before long, she slammed him into the ground in full force.

She kept the sword piercing through his body as the teenager beside Josh looked at him. "My name's Drake." He reached his hand out toward Josh in a greeting way. Josh quickly responded by accepting the hand greeting, shaking his head with respect.

"I know, thank you for coming." Josh responded, making Drake slightly surprised before returning to neutral. After the two greeted each other, Drake watched as two of the other teenagers came to the aid of Josh's fallen friends. Before Drake could continue speaking, the woman teenager yelled. Forgener returned to his feet and backed his entire body into the blade of the sword, before punching the teenager with his other arm. This made the female teenager get pushed back a few feet, the energy sword disappeared. Making Forgener get set free.

Drake turned to look back, but discovered that Forgener disappeared. Drake was left in awe as he looked around the area. However, there was no sign of Forgener anywhere nearby. Afterwards, Drake helped his friend back to her feet as he looked back toward Josh again. "I don't know how he did that, but we'll get him later." Josh nodded in response as his eyes wandered over to his friend beside him.

Josh's telepathy entered into the mind of everyone in the area. He quickly learned each of Drake's friend's names. The female teenager who was the second tallest that made the energy sword was named Christina. The teenager who was able to create the portals was named Steve. The teenager who was two inches shorter than Christina and could create sharp objects from his own body was named Rob.

Josh quickly learned of something about Rob as he searched into his mind. He found out that Rob had cancer. Not only that, but his powers were connected to the disease. This made Josh feel bad about Rob's condition, but he moved on to the others. The last remaining teenager who was helping Josh's friends was named Stephen. He discovered that Stephen had the ability to pick up objects like telekinesis.

Drake spoke again, making Josh lose his focus from his telepathy. "I suppose, I should introduce you to every-." Before Drake could finish, Josh interrupted him.

"Oh, don't worry. I already know everyone's names and what they could do." Josh said, making Drake's hands fall back down to his sides. As though he was about to point to everyone and say their names. Christina was surprised when she heard this, her eyes wandering over to Drake.

"Oh, right of course..." Drake said, but didn't finish speaking afterwards.

Josh looked over to the others, beginning to walk over to them. Luckily, his friends were alright. Stephen and Steve were introducing everyone to them. Josh noticed the mark on Suzan's face, the metal fist bruise from Forgener. He rushed over beside her and decided to check on her. Drake and Christina remained put as they introduced themselves to the others. "You okay Suzan? You got a red mark on your face."

Suzan looked at Josh in the eyes, then reached her hand up to her face. She could feel the bruise, making her shrug. "I think I'm okay." She admits.

Angie walks over beside her and decides to check the mark. Josh looks over to Drake and the others. Drake returned the look after a few seconds, giving him a slight smile. Josh walked over to Drake who quickly returned a serious expression. "How did you guy's know we were in trouble?" Josh asked Drake.

"Suzan sent us a message." Drake took out his phone and showed it to Josh. When Josh looked at the screen, and saw the white background message sent from the contact, Suzan. Josh read the message that Suzan sent, it read. "Help! Forgener's giving us a beating!" There was no message replied back, but Josh saw the timestamp. He realized that the message was sent barely after Forgener hit her in the face. Josh's expression went to shock as he looked over to Suzan.

He watched as Angie took her hand and walked with her back into the house. Supposedly to give medical aid to Suzan from the impact by Forgener. Creg and Nick were back to their feet, in a deep conversation with Rob, Stephen and Steve. Josh's expression slowly changed to a large smile. He never felt so relieved to have more than three people with powers to his side. He can officially feel like he is no longer alone in the world. It made him happy to feel this emotion.

Josh returned his attention back to Drake standing beside him, still looking at Josh. He started to think to himself about ideas to pursue. He soon thought of a good idea to tackle. Josh looked deep into Drake's eyes as he thought of the idea. "You know what? We may need your help."

"Oh? What's up?" Drake asked with curiosity.

"We are planning to get Forgener locked up for good. However, our plan was soiled when attempting to go against him with just the five of us." Josh started, "But since you guys are here, we may have a chance to get the upper hand on him."

"How exactly do you guys believe you'll be able to lock him up? He has the ability to transform into metal of all things." Drake asks.

"True, but I got in contact with an agent who believes they can lock him up in the most secured prison cell." Josh responds, "But in order to do it, we need to get him knocked out first."

Drake then looks over to Steve and Stephen. "Right... But I actually believe there is another way. We can use Steve's teleportation and Stephen's telekinesis to make the process much easier. So, we don't actually have to knock him out."

Josh nods, "Right, but I believe knocking him out is easier. So, once he gets released he can't escape that easily."

Drake shakes his head, "Not exactly..." Drake admits. "When we find him again, I'll show you what I'm thinking." Drake says, as his eyes wander over to Josh's house. Drake goes quiet for a minute as he thinks to himself. "I suppose before we start searching, we should group up first and think of a plan to go for."

Josh nods in agreement as he looks over to Creg and Nick. "Guys! Let's go inside." They heard him and nodded, before starting to head inside. Drake informs the others the same idea, all five of them begin following along. By the time Josh and Drake get through the front door. Josh looks outside and listens closely for any noise. Drake gets confused, but quickly understands what he's doing. Josh nods in his direction, allowing Drake to close and lock the door behind them.

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