Chapter 5

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Josh led Angie into their house, showing her around the front foyer. Angie looked around the floyer, noticing the rich texture and clean furniture. While she looks around, Nick and Creg look over to Josh standing by the doorway. "I understand you're trying to help her, but I don't think it's a good idea to have a stranger stay over." Creg replied.

Josh looked over to him, "She needs a home, I just thought it would be helpful for her."

Nick runs in a flash of movement, disappearing and reappearing in front of Angie. Nick is holding flowers in his right hand, holding it out to her. "I got these for you. I think what you need is just some time to sit back and relax. Don't you agree?" Angie instantly smiles at the sighting of the flowers, taking them from Nick. Holding the flowers to her nose, and gently sniffing their scent.

"Oh absolutely...~" She delightfully replies, keeping the flowers close in her hand. "Why, thank you very much."

Josh walks over beside Angie, "I don't think I properly introduce my friends. This young lad is Nick, and my best bud and tough football student is Creg." Josh mentions it to her.

Angie smiles as she looks at both Nick and Creg, "Nice to meet you guys. Do all three of you live here?"

Josh shakes his head as a response, "Nah, my parents and I did. However, they sadly passed away six months ago."

Angie's smile faded almost instantly to what Josh said, "Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry."

Josh nodded, but didn't say anything. Creg entered the conversation not long after some silence filled between them. "I live close by, and Nick lives a neighborhood away."

Nick slightly blushed by the second Angie looked over to him. "I can tell that you can never miss an event."

Nick responds shortly afterwards, "Not all the time, it depends on distance most of the time."

"Still, it's impressive how fast you can go." Nick blushes, but doesn't reply. Silence filled the room with awkwardness.

Josh soon interrupted the silence, "Well, if you're going to stay here for the night, or however long you're going to stay here. I do have a spare room upstairs just for you."

"Thank you." Angie replies, before starting to head upstairs and check the room. Josh looks over toward Creg and Nick, but before he could lie his eyes on Nick. He disappears in a flash of movement, leading toward upstairs and following where Angie went. Creg glanced at Josh, before turning around and beginning to head out the front door.

"Whelp, if you excuse me. I am going to head back to school now." Josh was about to nod at him, but an alarm went off on his watch. Josh looked down toward it, noticing that an alert popped up about a disturbance downtown. Creg stopped in his tracks when he heard the alarm, slightly grunting in annoyance. "Oh come on. Is this going to be a common theme?" Creg asks himself, but directs it to Josh in hopes he has an answer.

Josh doesn't answer but he does speak about the alert. "It appears to be some sort of major disturbance downtown. That's weird, we never had one of these yet."

Creg sort of chuckles to himself, "Yeah, okay. Like as though it's a good thing for us." Creg replies as he begins walking out the front door. "I'll wait out here for you and Nick." By the time the front door closes, Josh begins heading upstairs toward Nick and Angie's location. When Josh walked up to the doorway of Angie's new bedroom, he looked over to Nick standing near the window.

"Nick, we gotta go. Come on." Josh told him, making Nick glance at him for a second before looking over to Angie.

"Whelp, I shall go now. I should be back soon. If you need any help, you know who to talk to." Angie nodded, making Nick follow Josh down the stairs and through the front door. Josh looked over to Creg, standing next to the mailbox.

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