Chapter 14

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When Josh, Creg and Nick returned back to Josh's house. Angie opened the front door and greeted them outside. Behind her, stood Suzan who was fully awake. Josh looked at them both for a second and gulped. However, Suzan's expression changed to empathy. Angie looked over to Suzan, who walked up to Josh and reached out her hand towards him. Josh looked down to her hand, then back into her eyes.

Suzan spoke shortly afterwards once their eyes met, "I forgive you from last night." When she mentioned this, Josh slightly smiled as he agreed to shake her hand. Angie smiled as she watched them. Once they finish, the three of them head inside after looking at each other. Angie closes the front door as they walk inside. Josh heads into the office and begins setting up a plan. Creg enters the room while Nick walks in and sits in a chair.

While Suzan sits beside Nick, Angie looks at Josh. "What are you doing?"

Josh stopped himself and looked up to Angie, then over to the others. "Well, while I was taking time for myself. I got an idea on how to stop Forgener." This causes the room to shift their attention up to Josh directly. Josh cleared his throat while Josh prepared himself to speak. Creg closes the office door and begins heading over to his seat. Angie remains by the door, staring up at Josh.

Josh finally begins speaking once everyone is situated. "So, as you guy's know. Forgener has the ability to adapt and grow more resistant and powerful."

"I think that has come pretty clear by now, Josh."

Josh nods, "I know, but what we didn't know. Was that even his adaptivity powers have limits."

"What do you mean?" Suzan asks, confused.

"Forgener can only adapt once for each cause." This leaves the room speechless, letting Josh to continue. "For example, Creg." Josh looks over to Creg as he continues, "He grew the ability to use you're metal powers, correct?" Creg nods. "Well, that means Forgener is stuck with only you're kind of power."

Angie stops Josh, "Wait, I'm confused. Use a different example."

"Sorry, what I'm trying to say. Is that when you grow the ability to be resistant to, let's say one thousand degrees. You aren't necessarily resistant to hotter than that hot. What's better, is that he can't grow more resistant than how resistant he is." The room continued to be speechless with confused expressions, showing that nobody understands.

Josh raises his hands, "Let me rephrase." Josh cleared his throat again and began to think of a simpler explanation. "Okay, I guess what I'm trying to say is. He has a limit to how many times he can adapt to a specific cause of death." The room continued to not speak, continuing to show confusion in their expressions. Josh sighed, "Okay, let me move on to the next weakness."

Angie stops him for a second, "Wait, how many weaknesses did you find?"

Josh looked over to her, "Well for now, I found only two." Angie nodded as her eyes wandered toward the front window. "Anyway, his other weakness is his incapability to use multiple powers at the same time. With the only exception being things like being immune to poison."

"That's good, that means we just need to overwhelm him then?" Suzan asks, but Josh shakes his head.

"Nope, that can still allow him to adapt." Josh responds. "To stop him, is actually my next topic I wanted to get into." Josh says.

"Alright, so here's the plan." Josh begins, "My idea is that we need to use our powers to the fullest. In order to bring Forgener to justice."

Angie interrupts with a question, "There's no way to kill him?"

"So far, I haven't found any significant weakness that would permanently kill him. Especially considering his death, isn't actually him dying." Josh informs Angie.

"The only solution that I can find is putting him behind bars in the most restrictive cell possible." When Josh says this, Nick speaks up.

"That's going to be hard, considering he's gained the ability to be immune to shields, immune to suffocation, immune to poison from Suzan, and Creg's metal powers."

"Not precisely." Josh says as he slightly grins. "There's quite a few things he can't do. For example, he can't become immune to telepathy. If he could, he would've been able to block my telepathy by now." Josh informs them, "Which means that I can use my telepathy to lure him toward a prison. The only thing we need to do is get in contact with a special government agent who is closely observing the case on Forgener."

"Who'd that be?" Angie asks, making Josh grin as his eyes look over to her. An image appears into all five of their minds from Josh's telepathic abilities. The image revealed an FBI agent, containing no mustache, but was white with black hair and green eyes, and wearing sunglasses. "Reggie Goodman."

1 hour later, FBI headquarters

Inside the FBI headquarters, Reggie was seen at his desk going through papers. Each paper revealed the news of the Forgener's strikes. Reggie had his coffee on the desk beside him as he closely observed and read the text on each news article. He eventually popped a cigar into his mouth, putting the papers together. As soon as he placed the news articles back onto the desk, a voice was heard. It was Reggie's boss, calling for him.

Reggie stood up from his desk and began walking toward his boss's office. As soon as he opened the door to the office, his eyes laid onto a familiar face sitting across from his boss. It was Josh, looking over to Reggie with a large smile. "Ah, Reggie! I believe you know Josh by now. He's a star on the news by this point after all. He wants to talk to you about something important. I hope it's good."

Josh stood up from his chair and greeted Reggie with a handshake. Reggie was slightly surprised and confused by Josh's appearance. "Nice to meet you Reggie." Josh says with a large smile on his face. Reggie nodded in response, but didn't say anything.

"Josh, I wasn't expecting someone like you to come in."

Josh nodded, "Let's talk in private, then I'll go into detail about why I'm here." Reggie shortly nodded, then proceeded to show Josh to his desk. When they both sat down in Reggie's office. Josh instantly starts speaking to him, "Reggie, the reason I'm here is simple. I know you're associated with the case of Forgener, am I correct?"

Reggie was surprised by this for a second, but nodded. "Yes, how did you know that? That kind of knowledge isn't necessarily public."

Josh grinned and slightly chuckled, "I can talk about that later. What's important is that I need your help." This makes Reggie focus his entire attention onto Josh, looking deep into Josh's eyes. "I've been dealing with the Forgener for a while now, and I believe if we work together, We can capture Forgener and place him into prison."

Reggie was incapable of speaking for a while, staring at Josh while his hand held up his head and mouth. "How do you believe you can do that?" Josh hands Reggie a folder filled with papers inside. Reggie takes the folder and opens it up, beginning to look through it. "I believe with our teamwork, and your budget. We can finally deal with that bastard once and for all."

Once Reggie finishes reading, he looks up toward Josh with an expression of disbelief. As though he doesn't believe what was presented in the papers. "I think you're going to have to present me with more than just papers." When Reggie says this, Josh decides to tap into his mind. Right as he does, Josh begins to present voices into Reggie's mind. The voices were that of co-workers nearby, including Josh's.

"Is this good enough?" Josh says inside the mind of Reggie. Making Reggie slightly freak out as he looks around himself. When the voices disappear, Reggie looks at Josh in the eyes. "I'm a telepath, was that good enough evidence to help me and my friends put him away?"

Reggie takes a second to think to himself, before eventually nodding. "I think you just got yourself a deal. I'll help you, as long as you give me more information on how to capture him." Josh smiles once Reggie says this, nodding as an agreement to Reggie. 

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