Chapter 18

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Josh was standing at the doorway of his house. He watched as the new group of teenagers that helped started getting ready to leave. Two cabs were called to pick them up and begin taking them home. Drake was already ready enough to leave. It was as though he was impatient, and just wanted to get back to taking out normal bad guys. It made Josh want to chuckle from his weird behavior.

Suzan was asked by Christina about why she wasn't coming with them. However, Suzan disappointed her by telling her that it was for the better. The two of them hugged before Christina made her way over to her cab. Drake waited patiently by the passenger seat door. Steve and Stephen were in a long conversation with Nick and Creg about various things. Josh felt Angie walk up beside him, making him feel comforted about the situation. He wanted them to stay, but he knew that they had their own lives.

Angie spoke after a few minutes passed by, "I wish they could stay. We could really use their help." Josh nodded in approval, she said the exact words from his own mouth. Despite her not having telepathy, she could definitely read off his own face. He felt a connection to her, and that was what made him happy that she was staying. Angie placed a hand on Josh's shoulder.

Josh wanted to say something to Drake, but he wasn't capable of doing it. Josh's eyes wandered back to Stephen and Steve talking to Creg and Nick. Despite Nick's expression of not caring about anything that the three of them were saying. He could tell that Nick was feeling a connection to Steve and Stephen. Not even needing to read his mind to know about how he was enjoying their company.

Stephen blurted out in question when he realized the full scale of the situation. "Wait, why exactly are we leaving with a cab again? Can't we just teleport there?"

Creg responded to his question when he looked over toward Drake. "Didn't Drake want to go on a ride or something?"

"Well, I ain't leaving by no cab. I'm just going to go back to the house." Stephen looked over to Steve standing beside him. "Are you coming with me or them?" Steve glanced over to the cabs before looking him in the eyes. "You know what? I'm going to go on a ride too. You go ahead."

"Fine, see you guys back at the house." Stephen says, before opening up a portal that opened into an unfamiliar place. Stephen walked through it, looking back toward Steve before closing it. Rob walked past Josh and Angie. Josh had almost completely forgotten that Rob was there with them. Why was Rob so quiet? Josh glanced at Angie, before looking at Rob with an expression of uncertainty.

Josh called for him, "Wait!" Rob turned to face Josh and Angie.

"What's up?" Rob's tone of voice was calm and very polite. Josh felt bad for not including Rob along with the situation.

"Hey, I didn't see you in the fight or living room earlier. How come?" When Josh asked this, Rob's expression turned to a discomforted expression. It was as though he didn't like being asked the question. Angie spoke when she noticed the discomfort.

"If it's too much to ask, it's okay."

Rob shook his head, "No no, it's okay." Rob took a deep breath and released before looking at them both. That's when Josh remembered about the cancer Rob had. He forgot almost all about the condition and his powers. Josh sighed sadly before stopping Rob from attempting to speak.

"Wait, I almost forgot to say." Rob looked up to Josh in the eyes, letting him speak now. "I'm sorry about your cancer. It must be really hard for you."

Rob nodded, "Yeah, thanks man." Angie looked at Josh and Rob in confusion.

"Wait, you have cancer?" Rob nodded from her question. Angie felt bad and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Rob was silent at this point, but he felt slightly happier from their gestures and words.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot." He told the both of them, but before he could start heading back to the cab.

Josh stopped him when he realized something, "Wait, take this." Josh gave Rob a card from his pocket, having the name of a doctor on it. "It's a doctor that might help your condition if it gets too severe." Rob looked down at the name on the card for a minute before looking back up to Josh.

"Thanks but, I don't think I'm going to need this." Rob was about to give the card back but Josh rejected it.

"Oh no, keep it. Just keep it beside you in case you ever want to help yourself." Rob stared down at the card again, before taking out his wallet. He places the card into his wallet, then puts it back into his pocket.

"Alright, thanks man." Rob and Josh fist bump, then Rob begins heading over to the cab. Josh continued to watch Rob leave, before his attention returned over to Creg and Nick. The two of them wave Steve goodbye as he walks over to the same cab that Rob's going to. Luckily, Josh noticed that Drake hasn't entered the cab with Christina yet.

This made Josh get enough courage to go over to him. When he got close enough, Drake got into the cab beside Christina. Drake rolled down the window after closing the door beside him. He looked up toward Josh with a slight smile. Josh tried to muster the words out of his mouth. This time, he was finally able to speak from the silence between them both.

"Thanks for the help Drake, I wish you could stay with us." Drake nodded in approval, but didn't speak. Christina looked over toward Drake and Josh. "If you ever want to team up for any reason, we'll be here." Drake nodded, looking up to Josh in the eyes again.

"See you around Josh, I'll keep you guys in mind for next time." Josh chuckled by the statement, before taking a step back. Drake rolled the window back up and looked ahead toward the taxi driver. Not long before the taxi's begin driving forward. Beginning to make their ways toward their destination. Josh smiled and watched as Angie walked up beside him.

When the taxi's disappeared from the distance. Angie spoke and made Josh look over to her. "Well, what a long day don't you say?" Josh nodded in agreement. "I'm going to make dinner, you coming? Or are you going to disappear again?" Josh chuckled by the question, but took a minute to respond.

"I'm coming, just give me a minute of some fresh air." Angie nodded before turning around and heading back to the house. Josh watched her, noticing that Josh was the only outside at this point. He turned his head forward again, looking out toward the city in the distance. The sunset setting upon the horizon. Josh took a deep breath in satisfaction before turning around and heading back inside. He felt satisfied from the day that transpired. Now, he was ready to return back to how things were. 

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