Chapter 6

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When Nick, Creg, and Josh head back to the house. The sun was already beginning to set, and the three began heading toward their houses. Josh entered his house, finding Angie already asleep in her bedroom. Telling Josh that Angie was exhausted from earlier. He smiled, before heading to his bedroom and going into bed.

The next morning, Josh awoke to Angie at the doorway calling out to him. "Josh!" She called out, tapping the door with her fist like a knock. Josh opened his eyes, grunting and moaning to himself before sitting up. He rubbed his eyes, before looking over to her standing by the doorway. "Nick just came by, and told me to get you up for school."

Josh got out of bed, and began getting dressed from the dresser. He walked down the steps and out the front door. Before he fully walked outside, he looked back towards Angie that was standing near the top of the steps. "You coming?" Josh asked her, but Angie shook her head. "Aren't you a student?" Josh asked again, but she simply looked away a bit embarrassed.

"I've been expelled... I can't come back until next year." Josh instantly grew a bit worried, as though he was keeping over a trouble maker. However, that soon faded once he realized how Nick was no different. Nick was such a troublemaker that he got banned from three schools. This school, was his fourth and he attempted to keep himself from making anymore mistakes.

Josh arrived at the school a few minutes later. He saw no sign of Nick nor Creg, so he assumed they were already in their classes. Josh walked into the school, and casually entered his class. The classroom was already half full of students. Josh sat down in his seat, and he was soon greeted by the teacher. The last set of students entered the class, and the teacher went over to their desk.

The teacher was about to speak, but was eventually interrupted by the announcer over the speaker. "Sorry for the interruption. However, can I have Joshua come down to the office please?" After hearing his name, Josh stood up from his chair and began heading to the office. He could hear the students in the class begin gossiping about him as he left the room. Josh ignored it, but kept aware of it.

When he arrived at the principal's office, he was greeted by Nick and Creg sitting in their own chairs outside the desk. The principle was seen on the other side, watching as Josh walks in. "Hey... You call for me?" Josh asks, which causes the principal to move his hand toward the chair between Creg and Nick's. Josh walked over silently, sitting between the two of them and toward the principle.

The principal stared at all three of them, not speaking for the longest of time. He had an expression of disappointment, directed toward all three of them. Josh stared at the principal, worried for the reason he was called in here. That's when the principal spoke after several minutes of silence. "So, I suppose you might be wondering why I called you guys in here..." He said, looking at each of the three teenagers sitting in front of him.

After another few minutes of silence between the three students and the principal. The principal spoke again, "The reason I call you three in here is because of yesterday. I'm very disappointed to hear from the teachers that you three decided to abandon school grounds."

Josh was about to speak, but Creg interrupted instead. "We were just sick is all..." The principle wasn't having a simple excuse.

"I completely doubt that all three of you got the same sickness. Even then though, if you really were sick. You should report it to us before leaving school grounds. We don't take very kindly to such trouble making." Nick scoffed, as though he heard the same thing too many times by now. Creg and Josh glanced at each other, before looking back toward the principle.

"Now, before I state my cause for this unsettling situation. I would like to mention about you... Nick." The principal looks toward Nick, sitting to the left of Josh. "I already know that this isn't your first time getting in trouble. Due to that, I am going to suspend you as this isn't your first time you broke our guidelines."

Once again, Nick scoffed like he didn't care about what he heard. Although, Josh could tell that he still cared. He didn't want to be permanently banned. "You won't return until the end of the month." The principal shortly after looked toward Josh. "Now, Josh. I was surprised to see you leave the campus as you're my most favorite student. When this happened, I knew it couldn't have been true. Now that I am truly convinced it was you, I am just going to lend you off with a warning."

Josh nodded in understanding, sighing with relief. The principal shortly later looked over to Creg, and wasn't sure how to describe what to feel. Not long afterwards, he spoke. "Creg, I have mixed feelings about you leaving. A part of me says to give you a warning, another part of me tells me to give you detention." Creg didn't speak, he stared at the principle directly in the eyes.

Eventually, the principal stood up from his chair. He continued to look at the three of the teenagers, before speaking once again. This time, with a tone showing utter annoyance. "What do you have to say about this?" This causes Josh and Creg to go absolutely silent, unsure what to say next. Knowing that if they say anything out of line, they would be highly disciplined. After the silence filled their ears, hearing the radio calls outside the office ring and shortly later picked up.

Once the silence was eery enough, the principal brushed through his hair before sitting back down. "Creg, I'll just leave you with a warning for now." The principal said finally, but spoke again not long after. "You three are dismissed, but Nick. I expect to see you heading home once you leave this office." Nick didn't show any sign of care from the principal's statement. After a bit, the three teenagers walked out of the office and headed back to their offices.

Josh watched as Nick started to unload items from his locker and placed them into his backpack. Not long after, he begins heading toward the front door. Josh called out toward him as he walked away, "I'll see you back at our place." Nick didn't reply, almost ignoring Josh completely like he was feeling nothing, but annoyed. Josh went back to his classroom, sitting down in his chair. He heard no sound from the students except silent whispers. The teacher was the main voice of the room, with their back turned against the wall. He felt as though that today was going to be a bad day.

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