Chapter 11

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When the next morning arrived, Angie walked downstairs to no sight of Josh anywhere. She thought for a second that Josh was still sleeping upstairs. So, she decides to walk into the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast. As she cooks, she notices that something was off. The house was oddly very quiet. When Angie finishes cooking, she heads upstairs toward Josh's bedroom to investigate.

As soon as she opened the door to Josh's bedroom. The bedroom was completely void of any life inside. The bed wasn't made and the room was left untouched. Angie gets slightly confused, beginning to search around the house for Josh. Searching through all of the bedrooms and bathroom in hopes of finding him. Sadly, when she finishes searching. She comes out empty handed.

That's when a knock at the front door made her stop what she was doing. She rushes downstairs and opens the door, expecting Josh to be standing outside. To her disappointment, Creg replaced her expectations. Angie sighed, "Oh, hey Creg."

Creg instantly gets confused, "What's wrong?" He asks her as he walks inside.

Angie closes the door behind Creg, "Josh isn't home. I can't find him anywhere." This makes Creg worried, turning back to face her.

"What do you mean he isn't home?" Angie shrugs as she begins to show Creg, Josh's bedroom completely void of Josh's presence. When Creg's eyes feast upon Josh's empty bedroom, he grows worried. Beginning to search around the house along with Angie, in hopes that Angie didn't miss anything. Sadly, by the time they come back together in the living room. They both shake their heads in failure of the search.

"Maybe you can call him?" When Angie mentions that, it makes Creg take out his phone and call Josh's phone number. Instantly, a ring begins to erupt from the office. Both Creg and Angie look toward the office. Creg walks slowly toward the office, while Angie remains in the kitchen. Almost giving up as she begins to place the food onto the plates.

When Creg found Josh's phone, it was sitting within the cabinet of the office desk. Creg stopped calling the phone and walked back over to the kitchen. "Did he say anything about where he was going before he left?"

Angie shook her head, "He didn't say anything to me, what about you?"

"I was the last person left in the room, but he just told me to head home since it was getting late." Creg said, "I was hoping maybe he told you something before going to sleep last night."

Angie thinks for a second, before looking up to Creg. "Actually, what if he left last night?"

Creg was slightly confused, but believed the question might be true. Although, he was curious about more context. "Explain?"

Angie shruggs, but does state one thing. "I heard a door open and close last night. Though, I thought it was just one of you guys. Now, I'm thinking it was Josh who left."

Creg nods agreeing, "The only question left is, where?" Angie shrugs and sighs with uncertainty. Creg looks down at the breakfast place sitting on the counter. He then looked back up to Angie when he noticed the time on the clock. "Shit! I'm going to be late for school." Angie looks back toward the clock, then toward Creg.

"Wait, what about Josh?" She yells toward him as Creg begins to leave.

Creg then stops, looks back toward Angie. "Wait, that got me an idea. Maybe he'll be at school today." Angie crosses her fingers in hopes.

"Oh!" Although, Angie asks Creg one last question. "But wait, what if he isn't?"

"Then, I suppose we'll have to search for him after school. Let's just cross our fingers and hope he's there today." Angie nods as she watches Creg leave. Angie stares at the front door in both confusion and disbelief. Unsure what to feel at the given moment. Eventually, she looks down toward the breakfast food sitting on the counter. She takes both of the plates and proceeds to eat them at the dining table. Feeling lonely and worried about Josh with each second. Although, she continues to keep her hopes up that Josh is at school.

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When Creg arrived at the school, he searched everywhere he could for Josh. Sadly, he only came empty handed. Eventually, he went along with his day with a disappointed sigh. However, as he continued along with his day. He spotted Suzan heading inside the school building while on the field. He rushes toward Suzan in the middle of the game.

Suzan instantly notices Creg and stops him from coming any closer. "What do you want?" She asks with slight annoyance and impatience.

"Josh is missing, have you seen him anywhere?" Creg asks her, but Suzan shakes her head.

"Why would I know?" Suzan asks like Creg was an idiot. "I don't know him well enough to care."

Creg gets in front of her to prevent her from going inside. "Look, I know he wasn't himself last night, same with me. It's just that, we don't fully understand what this guy can do. We don't want to risk making a stronger person."

"So, you're saying it's my fault?" Creg shakes his head.

"Absolutely not, it was our fault for not telling you more about him." Suzan doesn't reply this time, allowing Creg to continue. "I'm sorry how we acted, it's just a stressful situation."

Suzan sighed as she scratched her head, before looking back up to Creg. "Look, I don't want to talk about it right now." She looks around the area, giving the sign that they were in public and that the topic should remain private. "But..." She stops herself, thinking before speaking for a second. "If I find Josh, I'll tell you." This made Creg slightly smile, getting out of the way of Suzan to let her through.

"Thanks, will you come back tonight? Or are you too focused on your studies?" Creg asked jokingly.

Suzan growled in slight annoyance, walking through the door and glancing back to Creg before disappearing on the other side. Creg stood where he was, staring at the door before rushing back to the field with the others. 

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