Chapter 7

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By the second Josh arrived home, he was greeted by Angie. Surprisingly to Josh, she was cooking dinner. He grew a smile to the smell and walked into the kitchen. He noticed Angie standing by the oven with a pot on top. Angie glanced over her shoulder and noticed Josh walk in. "Welcome home! I made a delicious dinner for you." She grew a large smile on her face as she looked back down to the pot.

"It smells really good." Josh admitted, walking by her and toward the kitchen counter holding plates on top. "Is it almost ready?"

"Almost... Just need a little bit of paprika." She mentions as she began pulling out a bottle of paprika from a cabinet. She places the bottle beside her, before continuing to stir inside the pot. "I'll hallar at you once it's done." She smiles toward Josh, before focusing her full attention onto the pot. Josh nodded, before walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to get undressed. Sadly, before he could fully undress. His watch alerts him of another alarm for trouble.

He pulls out his watch and looks down to it. The alarm's message said, "A disturbance has occurred at the downtown police station." Josh instantly grew a feeling of worry, staring down at his watch continuously. He eventually looked up and noticed Angie standing not far away from him. Her expression showed disappointment, as though she heard the alarm from his watch. Angie didn't say a word, she stared at Josh in the eyes longingly.

Josh sighed sadly, before returning the look. "I'm sorry Angie, can you package it for later for me?" Josh asked her, but she only returned a very slow and slight nod. Her expression didn't change as she continued to stare at him. It wasn't long after until Angie turned around and started to walk back into the kitchen. Josh sighed again, before beginning to head out the front door. By the second he closed the door behind him, he noticed that Creg was standing beside his mailbox.

Creg appeared to have been waiting for Josh to leave his house for some reason. Josh walked up closer to him, "Oh hey Creg, I was just about to get you two." Josh mentioned to him, as he walked past him and onto the sidewalk.

Creg watched Josh walk past him before speaking, "I think Nick is grounded again." Josh didn't show any sign of care on his face.

"Is he being locked away again?" Josh asked, before looking back toward him as he stood on the sidewalk and beside the street.

"Yeah. His step parents aren't surprised, but they still ground him like it's going to do something."

Josh shrugged and shook his head, looking toward the city in the distance. "Well, I'm sure we can do it without him. I don't want him to get in any more trouble than he already is." Creg nodded, accepting Josh's response. Josh glanced toward the front window of the house, noticing Angie behind the window. He watched as Angie pulled herself away from the window once she realized she was discovered.

Josh chuckled slightly, before giving Creg the look of readiness. Creg nodded toward him, before starting to follow Josh to the city. Angie pulled the curtain away slightly, watching as Josh and Creg leave into the distance. By the second she noticed that they were not heading toward Nick's house. She grew slightly worried, but that soon resolved when she got an idea. It was almost like a lightbulb had flickered on above her head. She walked away from the window once she thought of the idea more clearly to herself.

~ ~ ~

When Josh and Creg arrived at the police station in their usual uniforms. They walked up to the front door and noticed that the police were all knocked out. However, that is not what caught Josh's attention. Black writing was seen across the walls of the station. Two of the writing stood out to Josh, "The Forgener was here," and "I want to fix everything." Josh gave Creg a confusing and worried look.

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