Chapter 19

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The bell of the bank's alert system started going off. The front doors of the bank bursted open to reveal three men in armor and heavy weaponry. One of them, the leader of the group of criminals, was wearing something different. A tuxedo, a top hat, a black and red cape with a face mask over his eyes. While he had a cane beside him with a jewel inside of it. He watched as the three men hurled the money into a van.

The man in the fancy gown spoke out loud to them, "Hurry! We don't have all day now do we?" When the three men successfully put the money into the van. The man in the fancy clothing spun his cane with his hand. Right before he could tap the van with it. A sudden flash of movement pushed the man back against a wall. He grunted out loud from the sudden impact.

Nick in his superhero clothing stopped beside the man in clothing. "Haha!" The three criminals in heavy armor held out their weapons and pointed them toward Nick. "Uh oh!" Right as the guns began firing, a force field appeared around Nick. The bullets bounce off the shield, but the men continue firing. Until all of a sudden, their guns ran out of ammo and required a reload. Angie was seen standing beside Nick, holding out her hands to create the force fields.

Creg toppled over the van onto its side and knocked the three men out. Angie released the force field. Creg was about to tackle the man in fancy clothing. However, he took his cane and tapped the ground. This made him sink in the ground and reappear on the other side of Creg. "Aha! You think you can stop the amazing Necromancer? You'll have to try harder than that!" Suzan appeared with the poisonous gas from behind the man that called himself Necromancer.

When she was fully formed, she got from behind him and wrapped her arms around him. She attempted to grab the cane from his hand, but he held his hand outwards. Creg started to approach him, but a burst of lighting appeared on the other end of the cane. It pushed Creg backwards into the wall of the bank. He yanked the cane back against Suzan's waist. It caused her to feel a sudden icky feeling in her stomach. This made her let go of the Necromancer and barf up.

Nick quickly ran around the van and towards the man in the tuxedo. Necromancer was able to read Nick's movements and tapped the cane against himself. This made him able to go as fast as Nick's running speeds. He pointed the cane toward Nick that was running toward him. A sudden burst of energy erupted from the tip of the cane. The energy wrapped around Nick's body and trapped him underneath it. Luckily the energy didn't harm or kill Nick, but rather restrained him. "Aha! What a fancy move wouldn't you say?" He laughed out loud in astonishment from his achievement.

Creg got up to his feet again and charged straight at the Necromancer. Sadly, the man dodged out of the way of Creg's attempt to knock him out. Getting right behind Creg and yanking the cane toward Creg. This causes a large burst of energy to push Creg forward into a car. His body smashes against the car, grunting out loud from the impact. Angie grew terrified as she watched from the same place she was standing.

Josh came up from behind her and yelled out loud for the Necromancer to hear. "Stop right there Necromancer!" The man in the fancy ghetto stopped himself, turning his head toward Josh. He looked back toward Josh and grinned widely. "I know who you are and how you work."

The Necromancer was interested by Josh's introduction. "Oh really?" He laughed a little to himself as he fully turned his body to Josh's.

"Yes, you like deals right?" This instantly made Necromancer grin wider.

"Oh yes, they are the best part." Josh smirked when he replied.

"Alright then, how about this? If you return the money back to the bank and turn yourself in. I won't have to force you into a never ending coma." The Necromancer laughed at the statement.

"You really think that I'm going to take that deal?" Necromancer pointed the cane back toward the van, but nothing happened. "That money belongs to me, I'm going to use it for something worthwhile. Something that the rich don't do very often."

"That's the citizens' money you are stealing." Josh corrected him, but the Necromancer only laughed.

"Not anymore it is, it's mine." The Necromancer walked over to the van and rubbed his hand against the back doors of the van. Where the money is held inside of. "The people would never use this money for what I'm going to use it for. They are too lazy and too focused on bills, bills, bills. So lame!" He laughs before pointing the cane toward Josh. "I won't even tell you what my plan is, even your telepathy won't work on me." He laughs again.

This made Josh attempt to use his telepathy, but he realizes that something was blocking him. It only took him a minute to realize that the hat was blocking him. It only made sense, considering it was on his head. Josh grunted in annoyance, pulling his hand away from his forehead. Necromancer laughed as he pointed his cane toward Angie, putting a transparent box around her like she was a mime. "Your friend can even save you now." He laughs evilly as Josh watches Angie bang against the invisible barrier.

"Now, I shall pull you into an endless sleep and make myself disappear!" The Necromancer pointed the cane at Josh again. An energy beam begins to form at the tip of the cane. He laughs out loud, but is soon cut off by a sudden blast of ice forming around his cane and hand. Necromancer is shocked, looking over to see Drake standing beside the rest of his friends. Christina smirks as she forms a beam of energy from her hand. She cuts the cane within the ice in half. "No! My cane!"

Before Necromancer could do anything, Steve appears through a portal from behind Necromancer and slaps the hat off. This instantly reverses the telepathy block, allowing Josh to enter his mind. "No! How dare you!" Right as Necromancer attempted to break the ice off his hand. Josh put the Necromancer asleep almost instantly. Drake comes over and breaks the hand free from the ice and lets Stephen grab him with his telekinesis.

Christina used her energy beam to cut Nick out of the net. Rob helped Creg up to his feet, while Steve looked over to Stephen. Drake walked over to Josh with a slight guilty expression. Josh didn't use his telepathy to read Drake's mind. He wanted to let Drake say it for himself out loud. "You know what Josh?" Drake said to Josh as their eyes met. "I think we should work together. We make a great team together." When Drake said this out loud, it brought a huge smile on Josh's face.

"Thank you, I'm glad you think the same way." Drake smiled in return, looking over to Steve and Stephen. Josh and Drake watched and waited for the police to show up to the scene. Josh grinned widely, knowing that this was going to change their superhero lives for the better. He only hoped that it was a good decision, and that he won't regret it later. 

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