Chapter 15

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The five friends stood in front of the house as a black van parked along the curve. Josh takes a step out from the passenger side, along with Reggie getting out from the driver side. As soon as Reggie looks over, he notices how young the others were. Reggie takes a few steps closer to them, examining each of them. "You're all kids."

"More like teenagers." Creg corrects him.

"It doesn't matter about our age, what matters here is that we want to help. However way we can." Josh mentions, looking over to Reggie. "Anyway, let me begin the plan now." Josh clears his throat. "First off, Forgener isn't a easy target to take down. Which is why we need you to get your most secure prison you guys can offer."

Reggie thinks for a second, before speaking. "Well, the best prison that I can think of that would be capable of holding such a powerful villain. Would probably be the ADX Florence prison."

Josh shook his head in disapproval, "You are going to need better than that."

Reggie gets confused, "I'm sorry, but what would you suggest?"

Josh thinks for a minute, then looks up to Reggie. "Well, first off you're going to need a cell that can withstand high pressure of force-."

Reggie stops him, "I think we can handle that ourselves. As long as we get him in custody, we should be good to go."

"You sure? Because once he's off our hands, you'll need to find a way to fight him off when he attacks." Reggie nods in agreement.

"I know, but we can learn and understand more about him with each mistake. If he causes any trouble, we'll contact you to retrieve him." Josh nods in agreement, before looking over to the others.

"Alright, then I suppose I should begin the plan. It's quite simple actually..." Josh prepares himself, then begins speaking once more. "All we gotta do is knock him out, not kill him. Will be difficult to tell the difference, but I'm sure we can accomplish it." Josh is then interrupted by Creg.

"Wait, how do we know where he is?" When Creg asks this, Josh slightly smirks.

"Forgener is after us, we attract him to us." Creg and the others looked at each other after hearing those words. However, they eventually all nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we're in." Creg admits, before Josh smiled widely.

Reggie looked at the others, "I'll get in contact with the rest of my men and prepare them to capture him. I've already got them and my boss to agree to help." Josh nodded, which Reggie started heading back to his van and began heading out of the area. Josh watched Reggie leave while the others distance themselves from each other. When Reggie left the area, Josh looked back to Creg and the others.

"This isn't going to be easy you know?" Josh admits, which Creg nodded. "I don't suppose you know an easy route to take with this?" Josh asked, which Creg stopped and thought for a second. He looked at Josh in the eyes after getting an idea.

"How about Nick trying that technique of holding him with a rope again. Angie can use her shield abilities to keep me inside with him. So, if he does escape from the rope. At least there is another layer left to go through." Josh was surprised to hear that part.

"Wait, you and him in the shield? You can't be serious, he will kill you!" When Josh said this, Creg shook his head.

"He may have my power, but he doesn't understand it just as much as I do. Which means, I'll have to go full out on him." Creg changes his entire body into metal, looking down at Josh with a serious expression. Josh was incapable of speaking for the longest of time, but he decided to accept the plan regardless. Josh looks back toward the street as he closes his eyes. He begins to search for the Forgener, in hopes of locating him.

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