Chapter 12

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When school ended, Creg wasn't able to find Suzan anywhere. He looked everywhere through the crowd of students, but there was no sign of Suzan anywhere. After several minutes of searching, he eventually gave up and began heading back to Josh's house. He knew Angie was going to be disappointed to hear the bad news of him incapable of finding Josh anywhere.

While Creg started heading home, Suzan sneaked away toward her house. She constantly looked back and around her, ensuring that neither Creg or the others were following her. When she discovered she was alone, she stopped searching around and focused in front of her. Giving a sigh of relief as she walked down the sidewalk.

When Suzan arrived home, she looked around before heading inside. Upon walking through the front door, she heard a loud song playing through a radio in the living room. She groaned quietly as she quietly but rushingly headed to her room. Attempting to not get caught. However, despite sneaking past the living room and about to walk into her bedroom. A familiar voice caught her off guard and caused her to stop in her tracks. "Finally, you're home."

It was a man in his mid-twenties, resembling Suzan's older brother. "I was hoping you wouldn't stay over some little boy's house for the night." The older brother was wearing a button-up shirt that was unbuttoned, revealing his chest. He also wore jeans and a knuckle bracelet on his fist, while carrying a cigar in one of his hands. "If you did, then I would've had to give that little brat a talk."

Suzan refused to say anything, staring at her older brother standing in the kitchen beside the oven. His eyes showed rage and annoyance, as though Suzan's simple presence was annoying him. As Suzan nervously shaked in her place, the older brother waved his arm. Giving Suzan the "ok" to head to her bedroom. "Now, may you be a good sister and cook up some dinner. Don't keep me waiting..." The older brother took the cigar and placed it into an ashtray as he walked into the living room.

As he walked past her, Suzan could smell the scent of smoke from his body. It sickened her, but she took this moment to start rushing to her bedroom quickly. When she got to her bedroom, she placed her backpack onto her bed and sighed with relief. She sat down onto her bed and quickly took out her phone and headphones. She looked down to her phone screen and tapped in music, while placing headphones into her ears.

When the music started playing, she closed her eyes and laid back onto her bed. While her eyes closed and she faced the ceiling from her bed. She began dreaming about how poison would help her out of the situation between her and her big brother. It would finally release her from his grasps of control and irritation. While she continues to day dream, she eventually hears a bang on the door from her brother. His voice was heard over the music, "Hey! Hurry up, I'm starving here."

Suzan growls as she turns up the music a bit to overshadow his voice. Her eyes opened as she looked over to the door of her bedroom. She watched it, worried that he would burst in without her permission, and possibly even abuse her like he always does. However, the door never bursts open. Instead, she continues to hear the voice and banging from her brother continue. She could still barely make out the words from him, "Don't make me come in and force you to start cooking!" He yelled, making her feel tears come into her eyes.

She wished that her parents were home to take care of them. Sadly, she knew this would never happen. After her parents died on the cruise for vacation, her brother was left to take care of her. It was horrible, as the brother blamed her for their death. As though she should've stopped them from leaving. Although, Suzan had no power or control to stop them. It was their decision to leave them at the house. Besides, she doesn't blame them for going on vacation. They were both horrible kids to deal with after all.

Suzan's thoughts were once again interrupted. Although, this time it was different. Instead of her brother yelling and banging on the door. It was a loud yell from her brother that made her confused. "Wait a minute, who the fuck are you? And what are you doing in our house?!" The brother cried out, before a barely audible noise stopped her brother from further speaking. It was strange enough that it made Suzan take out one of her headphones from her ear.

She examined the door once again, listening closely while pausing the song. She listened closely to any further noises occuring, but nothing came up. It was strange enough that her brother hadn't even bursted through the door like normal. She still hoped each day that the door would get stronger with each burst. Though, it never stopped him from coming in. This time was different, and it made her worried that something bad just happened.

It was bad enough that it made her curious to check it out. She took out the last headphone out of her ear, continuing to stare at the door as she gets up from the bed. She cautiously approaches the door, slightly shaking and feeling worried about what's going to happen when she opens it. When she touched the doorknob and turned it, slowly opening the door. She cried out into the hallway, "Brother?" No reply was heard, neither did the music from the radio play anymore.

She waited a second, hoping an answer would come through. Although, nothing comes back. This instantly caused her to open the door wider and begin to examine the house. She calls out again but louder, "Big bro?" Once again, no reply was heard from anywhere inside the house. She begins searching the house, including her brother's bedroom, but no sign of him was seen anywhere. When she came out empty handed, she yelled out again in complete worry. "Brother?!"

As usual, no reply was heard from the familiar voice. Although, one thing did catch her attention after speaking. It was a dark and threatening voice, a kind of voice that instantly made her stop in her tracks. It shook her to her core as she stared toward the front door. She was about to take a step back, when the front door slowly opened up. Her eyes widened as the familiar appearance of the Forgener stepped through the door. Not only that, but the blood spots on him shocked her.

"Wh-What did you do to my brother?!" She cried out in terror.

As Forgener stepped foot into the house, his familiar eyes looked onto her with a large grin. Forgener stood in front of her with a creepy aurora. The aurora surrounding the Forgener was dark, making him out to have red glowing eyes with a demon overshadowing over his real appearance. As she stared up at the Forgener, she was beginning to struggle to speak. She took another step back, but was caught off guard again when Forgener's arm formed into metal.

Forgener instantly grabs Suzan's leg and pulls her closer to him. Right as he was about to attempt to kill her. Suzan's body completely changes into a poison gas, allowing her to escape his grasp. She reforms her body a few feet away and looks toward Forgener with rage and annoyance. This time, wearing the same outfit she is normally seen in. A gothic dress with a necklace hanging off her neck resembling an upside down cross.

As Suzan looked up toward Forgener, her eyebrows lowered into an annoying expression. "Nice try, you're going to have to try harder than that." Suzan begins using her poison gas to shoot toward Forgener's direction. The poison hits Forgener and surrounds him. Although, something was different from Forgener's reaction to the poison that surprised Suzan.

Forgener wasn't being affected by the poison, instead he stood still where he was. Staring straight into Suzan's eyes with the same scary aurora. Forgener eventually uses his metal fist to smash into the floor. This causes the house to shake, stopping Suzan from using poison. While Suzan struggles to balance herself, Forgener appears quickly behind her and grabs her neck, before pulling her into the floor.

Suzan quickly reacts by reforming her body into poison gas again. Forgener watches as the gas moves around the room, before eventually starting to move toward the nearest open window. Forgener quickly appears over by the window and closes it. The poison gas stops and attempts to search throughout the house. However, no matter where the gas moves, Forgener follows closely behind. When Suzan realized she was trapped, she reappears and attempts to use more poison onto Forgener.

This time, she attempts to push and attempt to kill Forgener. Forgener continues to stand where he is, not affected by the poison. Eventually, Forgener runs toward her and tackles her into the floor. Suzan was about to shapeshift into the poison gas again, but failed when Forgener slammed her head into the ground. This knocks her out instantly, with the last thing she saw was pure darkness. Forgener looks at her for a second, before wrapping her body around his shoulder.

Forgener begins heading back toward the front door of the house. Right as he was about to open the front door, the door gets knocked off the hinges. Forgener stares out the open door, confused. That's when he noticed that it was Creg standing at the doorway. Creg's expression showing annoyance. "You go after our friends, I go after you. Now, let her go before I make you." 

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