Chapter 4

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Josh hurried home, hoping to not waste any time. By the time he got home, he had barged through the front door and begun searching throughout the house. Looking for a specific object that he got a glimpse of, in Angie's inner thoughts. Once he found what he was looking for, his eyes locked onto a rose in a flower pot. The rose was within the sunlight of a window.

He sighed to himself, going over to the flower and delicately picking up the flower pot with the flower still inside. He gave it a quick smell; the scent of the rose filled his nostrils with delight. "This'll make her stop..." Josh exclaimed to himself, about to leave the room. That's when his alarm on his watch went off, signaling that the bank was being hit again. Josh's eyes widened to the sighting, and begins to rush out of the house and head toward the school to pick up Nick and Creg. Knowing Angie's powers will make it difficult to get through.

When Josh arrived at school, he noticed Creg and Nick in the middle of the football field. Nick was sitting on the benches, watching Creg play out his game with the other football players. Josh rushed over to where Nick was sitting, calling out to him. "Nick! We have an emergency!" Nick's attention instantly drifted over to Josh, making him start walking over to him with slight confusion.

Nick gave Creg one last glance, before looking fully into Josh's eyes. "What's the emergency?"

"A bank was just hit, I got the alert on my watch." Nick looked over toward Creg on the field.

"I don't think we are supposed to distract Creg with his football thing." Nick says to himself, but makes Josh look toward Creg, who caught the football from his teammate.

Josh recognized the coach with the whistle in his mouth, watching the players play. "Creg!" Josh called out toward him, but Creg didn't hear him. He decides to call out to him again, which attracts Creg's attention. Creg looks over to the coach, who noticed Josh and Nick. Luckily, this allows Creg to be dismissed for a few minutes.

Creg rushes over to Josh, and Nick, sweatening up a storm from the constant running. "What's up? I'm kind of in a middle of something."

Josh reaches out his arm, revealing the alert of the bank robbery. When Creg noticed, he looked over to the coach and back to Nick and Josh. "I don't think this is something we can do right now. I have finals to work on." Josh gave the coach one last glance, before pulling Creg with him. Nick followed, shrugging to himself without care. Creg attempted to make Josh let go, but failed with each attempt. The coach notices, calling out to them in hopes they would hear. When neither did, he sighed to himself and continued back to what he was doing.

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When the three got close enough to the bank, the three touched an invisible wall around the bank. Creg curses to himself at the sighting, while Josh attempts to get through it. Josh looked over to Nick standing behind him. "Nick, can you get us through this?"

"I can try..." Nick exclaims, holding Josh and Creg's hands before looking at the wall in front of him. He closed his eyes and began to make himself and the others vibrate fast. Causing the three of them to slip through the shield, but Nick groans from the thickness of the shield. Nick slightly pants, watching as Josh took a step forward. The three noticed a getaway vehicle parked in front of the bank, with the driver appearing to be Angie.

Josh looked over to Creg and Nick, "The other two are inside the bank, I'll take care of the third." Creg and Nick nod, before making their way inside the bank. Josh looked toward the getaway car parked beside the bank entrance. As Josh begins making his way toward the car, he notices that Angie had realized Nick and Creg had just gone inside the bank. As she got out of the car, about to head inside. She nearly runs into Josh, making her take a step back from the sudden appearance.

"What the hell? What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave?!" Angie exclaims, getting slightly frustrated.

"Angie, I came back to put an end to this. I know for curtain you don't want a record placed on your head."

Angie's expression turns to annoyance. "You don't know anything about me. Those things you said earlier, you probably got them from the internet. Not going to be fooled by your foolishness anymore." Angie reaches out her arm and hand, causing a field to form around Josh. Angie begins to slowly decrease the size of the shield around Josh, making Josh yell for Angie to stop.

Not long until Creg and Nick walk out of the bank with the two robbers cuffed and roped to the curb. Creg instantly recognized Angie, attempting to squish Josh with the field. Nick doesn't realize it immediately as he adjusts the robber's ropes and cuffs to be tighter. When he does notice, he freezes in place because of the sighting. Creg yells out toward Angie, but not knowing her name. "Stop it! You're going to kill him!"

Angie looked over to Creg and NIck, frustrated and annoyed. "You think you guys are heroes? You are just a bunch of teenagers!" Angie reaches out her other arm toward Nick and Creg, forming another shield around the two. She also begins to shrink the shields, groaning as the three attempt to push the shield away from them. After a bit of time, Josh closed his eyes as he entered into Angie's mind again. This time, begins to reform memories into her thoughts. Causing her to stop shrinking the shields, and become frozen as she gains emotions.

The memories that pop into her mind are those of some old family members. Mother, father, and her sister Jamie. Showing a fully happy family out on the beach on one of their vacations. One of Angie's most beloved memories in her entire life. Suddenly, a new memory appears in her head. This time, showing her sister picking up a flower from the ground, revealing a rose. The sister hands it over to Angie, with a large grin on her face. "Angie, I want you to take this and never let it go. It is a gift from me, to you."

Angie replies in the memory, "I promise..." The memory slowly begins to fade away, with her words of promise beginning to echo as she slowly finds herself in the real world. Josh starred up toward Angie, holding out a rose toward her from within the shield. Angie's eyes slowly descend toward Josh, before noticing the rose in his hand. Making Angie begin to slowly tear up in her eyes. Angie makes the shields around the three disappear, but keeps the one around the bank still up.

She reaches out toward the rose, taking it out of Josh's hand to look at it closer. As she examines it, she gives the top of it one last sniff before sighing to herself sadly. When her eyes returned down to Josh in front of her, she gave the flower a small hug. "I... I just wanted to help my little sister..." Tears continued to drip from her eyes from shame. Josh stood back up to his feet, slightly smiling as a comforting expression.

Not long after, Josh pulled her into a hug for comfort. Creg and Nick stood back up to their feet, looking at each other, slightly confused. The larger shield wrapped around the bank, begins to dissipate, before allowing the police from outside to go in. The police begin marching in, taking the two robbers sitting behind Nick and taking them into custody. Josh watches as an officer comes up to him and Angie, "We received reports that there were three suspects responsible for this robbery. I suppose that is her?"

Josh looked down at Angie, wiping the tears away with fright. Josh looked back toward the officer, and slowly shook his head. "No, it's only two." Josh admits, making the officer go silent for a second. Before nodding, and beginning to make his way over to the two robbers. Josh looked over to Creg and Josh, who were walking up to him and Angie.

Creg, who was confused about the situation, stared at Josh. "Excuse me, what just happened?"

Josh chuckled a little, giving Angie one last glance. "We'll talk about it later." Josh slightly smiled, nodding to Creg for him to be dismissed. Nick watches Creg begin to make his way back to school by himself. Nick stands where he is, looking around at the rest of the officers uncovered at the scene. Josh looked at Angie, patting her on the back. "How about you come stay at our house for the night? That is... If you don't have anything else planned?"

Angie thinks to herself, before nodding. "I'm no longer a robber, so... I suppose it's fine with me." Josh grinned slightly, looking around at the rest of the police while Angie examined the flower in her hand again. Smiling happily, as if the situation was finally over.

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