Chapter 1 - I Hate Goodbye's...

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[A/N: Every chapter will have a specific outfit that you will be wearing. If there is no outfit at the top of the chapter and its a song its because its still the same day, and the outfit hasn't changed. but this one is a sad song cause the chapter is sad. Also don't worry, the book gets better.]
[A/N: Y/N Y/L/N = your name/your last name]

Y/N Y/L/N is a young girl at the ripe age of 5, a pretty young age to be excluded by your parents, huh? Y/N's parents were always too busy for her and never payed any attention to her; they ignored her birthday parties, never played with her, always got annoyed at her when they did speak (which wasn't often enough at all), and never cared about the bullies she had to face at school. The only person who cared for her well being was her maid, angelica, she was quite old, in her 60s already. But she was the kindest woman you could ever meet. She was always there for the little girl, and always played with her when she could. And if she couldn't play because she was cooking, Y/N would always offer to help and wanted too aswell.
So angelica always let her help out when she felt it was okay enough.
For example: If angelica was cleaning the washrooms and Y/N asked to help, angelica would always say 'no' because that was too dirty for the little girl to do. But if she wanted to help with the baking/Cooking or sweeping, that would be okay with her.

I guess you could say they were like 2 peas in a pod. They were stuck to eachother like glue, best friends.

----------Skip To Present Time----------

Angelica was just finishing up some brownies to give to Y/N after she got home from school. Taking them out of the oven, cutting them into little squares, then letting them cool down before she placed them in a giant zip lock baggy. As a special treat before she had to go away for a long time. Of course she would visit the girl eventually, but where she was going was so far away that she couldn't visit every weekend; but maybe on the holidays or special occasions, such as her birthday. Angelica smiled, a sad smile. She was upset to be leaving Y/N all alone to deal with her parents and in a new city, the united states. The new town 'Haddonfield', Illinois - was the place Y/N was going to be living in, she believed. Atleast that's what her parents had told her. Sure they weren't trust worthy people but she had a feeling they were telling the truth, Angelica always knows when someones lying. Its one of the reasons why she's always right.

Angelica was knocked out of her thoughts as she heard the squeek of a door opening and closing then the soft pitter patter of little running feet towards her. She turned around to be faced by none other than, the little girl she was just worrying about. Y/N.

"I smell brownies!" The little girl gave a toothy smile holding onto the teddy bear she had run off to school with this morning.

"You sure do have a keen smell, darlin' " Angelica smiled down at the little girl, Angelica's thick southern accent shining threw her voice.

Y/N lifted up her arms indicating she wanted to be picked up. Angelica bent over a bit, picked up the girl and placed a quick kiss ontop of her head before sitting her down on the counter.

"Why don't you take your back pack of sweet heart."

Y/N continued to smile, slowly taking off her back pack, Looking around to see where she could put it, Angelica smiled.
"Give it here, sweet pea,"
Angelica always gives Y/N the sweetest nick-names; in pretty much every single one of her sentences. But before she could take the back pack from her, Y/N unzipped the bag and took out a picture.

"I missed you a whole bunch today!"
Y/N beemed at the older woman.
"so, I drew this for you!"
The little girl spun around the picture so the front side with the actual drawing was facing Angelica.
Angelica smiled wider than she already was as she stared at the two messy-drawned stick figures. One made to resemble herself and one to resemble Y/N; holding hands with big crooked smiles on there faces. Flowers "growing" everywhere on the page. And a sparkling blue-ish teal sky with a big bright yellow sun to top it all off.

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