Chapter 26 - Present Day.

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'My head hurts...'

My head is pounding like a drum stick on a drum; loud and obnoxious.
The pain is pretty darn close to being too much for me to handle.

'God...what happened?'

I groan and shift in my position, keeping my eyes closed. As I shift I hiss in pain as I feel a burning feeling in my wrists. I can barely move them.
My eyes don't want to open, and my brain isn't letting me open them.

I try to shift my body more to possibly subside the pain, but I can barely move.

'Come your eyes!'

As if on cue, my eyes fling open.
Having my eyes now open didn't really help me, because whatever room I'm in right now is dark. The lights are off and there is no source of light coming from anywhere.

I get on my knees and attempt to stand but end up falling back down to the ground with a gut renching scream.
My legs are too weak...but, that's not the only reason I couldn't stand.

I let out a weak cry and I sit on my knees, I turn my head to the side in attempt to possibly figure out what made my wrists burn like hell. Literally.

My eyes partially adjust to the darkness but not enough for me to be able to see anything.


I bend my wrist in a way to be able to feel what is keeping my wrists in place.

I let out loud grunts as I try to feel around but it hurts so much.
I can feel tears begin to poke at the creases of my eyes. I whimper and finally my fingers touch something.
It's all scratchy and rough, quite the unpleasent feeling to it.

'It has to be rope.'

Flashbacks of when I was last awake came flooding back into my mind. They were mostly all fuzzy and I could only piece together bits and parts.
It's like my brain didn't want to remember anything. Like - It couldn't deal with it if I did remember. So it just blocked them all out, but some of them slipped through.

The only things that I can remember perfectly clear is Bo betraying me...and all those...people - with masks and weapons. The forest. And my head pounding just like it is right now...But, that's it.

I slouch back down to the ground, leaning against the wall as I begin to sob. Letting out little whimpers and sniffles every now and then.
I put my head in my lap as my hands dangle against the wall with piercing pain shooting through them.
I don't even have to look in a mirror to know my face is all shiny from the tears and my eyes are all red and puffy from crying for so long.

I am kind of in my own world as I cry; ignoring all of my surroundings as I feel helpless and lost. Weak and useless. I can't move, I can't stand, I can barely breath.

I'm knocked out of my little world when I hear loud thumping footsteps above me. They're so heavy that I can feel dust and wood particles falling off the ceiling above me and onto my face. Eventually the footsteps lead away but I can still hear the dust falling as they do.

My breathing calms down as I think they are leading away from me, but only for it to pick up again as I hear a creaky door open to the same room I'm in. My breath hitches and I squint my eyes as the light from a door at the top of a staircase shines through and into the room. I get a quick glance at my surroundings but flash my eyes back to whoever opened that door. I did see I'm not in my original clothing anymore, I'm sitting here helplessly in a huge oversized t-shirt that isn't mine. And I'm in a basement...that much is for sure.

I subcontiously begin to cry again, as I push myself closer to the wall behind me.

'This can't be real!'

I sob out at whoever is there, they walk into my view and I see a very large, burly man, who is big and muscular but has a little bit of tummy. He has long dark brown hair and a black mask or something covering the bottom half of his face. If he wasn't holding a chainsaw and a rag in his other hand and wasn't in on this whole 'kidnapping' thing I'd almost think he was attractive.

"No! Leave me alone!"
I cry, as much as I didn't want to be alone, I wouldn't want to be stuck with one of my kidnappers!

My desperate plea didn't seem to bother him in the slightest, considering he just walked closer to me.
I continue to push myself closer to the wall thinking by some miracle I could just get away from him.

He stands directly infront of me; looming over my figure. Compared to him, I am tiny and short.

He bends down almost to my height, but considering the height difference he still towers over me - even on his knees. He puts the chainsaw down next to me and grasps the cloth in both hands. He reaches out to place the cloth in my mouth to keep me shut but I am not having it.

"Get away from me!"
I move my head around to make it harder for him to put the cloth around my mouth.

It worked for about five seconds then the mans bigger hand grab my face and held my head still, he forces the cloth around my mouth but ties it gently.

I try to scream in protest through the cloth but fail misserably. There is no point if he can barely hear you.

But that doesn't mean I'm not going to do it just to annoy him.

I scream louder and he still ignores it, untying the ropes and then tying my wrists together. He helps me up and I try to tell him I couldn't stand but of course, he can't hear me. He finally gets me to my feet and I topple over.

If I wasn't so focused on pain right now I could have sworn I just heard him laugh at me.

I groan and I feel him help me up again, he places me on my feet but instead of making me do it on my own he picks me up and places me over his shoulder. I squeak as he does so and still try screaming as I kick my feet.

As we are going up the stairs he has had enough, so, he grabs my legs and holds them still. My hair is drapping over my eyes a little but the cloth kind of helps to keep it pushed back at least a bit.

As I begin to hear other voices in the distance but not too far away from us the guy carrying me puts a hand where the shirt I'm wearing ends to keep it from going up and exposing my entire ass.

'I may be pissed at you, but thanks.'

We get closer to the voices and I get thrown onto something cushy and soft.

'Better than being dropped on my ass on forest ground.'

I sit up straight and the talking stops. I shake my head in a way that my hair moves out of my face. My eyes go wide as I look around...not at anything but at...


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