Chapter 36 - Mystery Door.

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The scratching of pencil on thick paper was the only sound audible as you now sat in your room, on your bed, with a note pad and pencil.

You had found them in the drawer of your side table whilst you were snooping around in there, getting a bit more familiar with your new room - for now - at least - it was. The notebook was empty when you had found it and perfect for you to mark down important spots of the house that would be perfect for your escape plan.

It had been two weeks since you were cooking peacefully in the kitchen with Vincent. Nothing much has happened, mostly just you either doing chores for them because you had no choice - or sitting in your room.
The slashers had yet to follow up on their rule of taking turns staying with you at night, and you didn't plan on reminding them about it.
You needed the time that you did get away from them to continue planning your grand escape.

So far, you only had most of the main floor marked down. The highlighted parts were the areas that were most important for your escape. You haven't gotten the chance to explore the second floor very well - the level with your room on it - so you couldn't mark much of that down, aside from your room. You had yet to gain barely any one of the slashers trust, mostly because they were never around - saying they had "errands" to run. But you knew exactly what that meant. They had gone out to seek more victims if you are picking up what I'm putting down.

What you have analyzed about the slashers is that they all have completely different personalities. So, you knew who you needed to watch out for and who could help you with your plan without even knowing it. Basically you needed pushovers - people who are easy to overcome.
And you had the perfect person in mind that would help you do just that.


You called out as you walked back down the same hallway you had previously explored with him two weeks before.

You figured that he might be here, because it seemed to be the spot that Norman had his sessions with Hannibal. Whatever "sessions" meant; you didn't know if it was therapy, or medical reasons. Possibly even both?

You glanced around, trying to see if you could possibly spot Norman. You kept your guard up, searching for Norman with tense posture and all senses heightened.

You passed by the art room, where you had met Vincent, and spotted a long hallway that you'd never seen there before. To be fair though, you had only been in this wing once before.

You traveled down the hall and you looked around with a conscious glint in your E/C eyes. The hallway had multiple closed doors...except for one door that was cracked open slightly.

You raised an eyebrow at that.

Your gut was telling you that it was a trap. To go back, pretend you never even left your room.
But another part of you took over that feeling, and replaced it with curiousity.

You slowly and cautiously walked to the right side of the hallway - towards the mysterious dark brown, wooden door. Small creaks emitting from the floorboards with every step you took.

'Could it have possibly been left open for me?'

You thought to yourself. But that was impossible? No one knew you were down there?

You shook your head side to side in attempts to rid of your thoughts, so you could focus on the matter at hand.
You needed to fulfill your curiosity, but you needed to me cautious while doing so.
For you didn't know what lied ahead, beyond this door - it was a mystery. Possibly one you didn't want to solve.

The sound of your bare feet walking against the jagged wooden floors, and your slightly heavy breathing was the only thing audible as you stepped closer and closer towards the door.

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