Chapter 35 - Creating Bonds.

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Silence filled the Victorian styled kitchen, as Vincent and you cooked.

Vincent suggested making something simple, but delicious - homemade Chicken Alfredo meal. A yummy, and filling lunch to keep everyone satisfied until dinner time.

While you were cutting the chicken breasts into smaller pieces, your mind was plagued with thoughts of how you could escape. It seemed as though this place was one big maze, with no in or outs. Well, sort of. There is one out you've encountered before - the back door, that for some reason was placed in the kitchen. 


I run through the hallway and try to think of where the front door could be. I know the living room is close, so I go through the kitchen and see a door that leads somewhere. I open it and see a very big yard. It looks like we are in the middle of no where.

The second I see the outside world I run through the door and down the short staircase, through the yard. The sky is almost pitch black. The sun is almost down; leaving me with just the right amount of sunlight to be able to see.

°End of Flashback°

The only problem is, that the last time you tried to run away - it ended not so pleasantly.

Your eyes glance down to your injured foot, it had healed a little but not completely.

If you ran on your foot while it's still messed up, you could end getting caught or having a seriously wrecked ankle.

The woods was also very booby trapped, considering what happened that night and how you hurt your ankle, there seemed to be bear traps (and god knows what else) set up blindly around the woods. Whether it was to keep people out or to keep you in, you didn't know. But either way, you had to be careful.

If you got caught a second time, you'd never be fully trusted again. Then you for sure would be stuck here.
So if you were going to actually do this without getting caught or looking suspicious, you had to be strategic about this. Very strategic.

A sudden tap on your shoulder made you jump back into reality, literally.

You flinched which caused Vincent to back up, slightly startled at your reaction.

Vincent tilted his head to the side, silently asking what was wrong for you to have reacted that way.

You shook your head with a relieved sigh that you weren't in any danger. Well, for now - you were in a house full of assumed killers after all.

"I'm fine, I caught up in my own little world."
You awkwardly laughed.

Vincent wasn't convinced, but decided not to bug you about it. So, he changed the subject.

Vincent pointed to your cut up chicken and then pointed to the pan.

You raised an eyebrow, confused. Sometimes it was easy to tell what Vincent was trying to "say" to you, but other times it was just perplex.

"What do you mean?"
You said, you felt bad you couldn't always understand what he was trying to say to you.

Vincent gently nudged you aside, so he could demonstrate what he meant.

He grabbed your very minced chicken (you may or may not have cut them a little too small, while in the mix of thinking) and put a few pieces in the pan. Then he looked to you to make sure you were still watching, and added all sorts of seasonings onto the chicken.

Vincent backed away.
You took Vincent's spot and began putting the rest of the chicken into the pan, adding the same seasonings Vincent had put in, after doing so.

"Is this right?"
You asked.

Vincent gave a quiet, content hum.
You smiled at him and he gave you a nod in return.

Vincent went back to cooking the pasta beside you, while you focused on cooking the chicken.

As you two cooked, it went back to that same awkward silence as before. You thought about started up a conversation, but because Vincent didn't seem to speak at all - it seemed pointless.

So, you two just stood next to one another in a heavy tranquility, busying yourselves with cooking the Chicken Alfredo and your many thoughts running through your brains.

Vincent seemed preoccupied with his own amount of thoughts too, about you.

He wondered why you were still reasonably kind to a bunch of murderers. It made him even more curious about you. The way you were able to adapt to any living space you were in, it amazed him. He had never seen anyone so flexible to such awful living conditions and situations.

Vincent, at first, wondered why in the world the other killers had such a fascination with you - now he knew. You are kind even to the worst people, you don't expect anything in return, you do as asked with hardly any hesitation, you keep positivity in your mind, and you're...very pretty.

Vincent looked over at you while your attention was focused on the chicken and stared at your form.

You looked like you were straight out of a painting, or an old Vanity Fair magazine. Those were always Vincent's favorites, he used them for inspiration sometimes.

Your shiny and silky H/C hair, your smooth S/C skin, and beautiful E/C eyes.
He couldn't help but stare, you looked like a French model.

"Hey, Vincent?"
You suddenly asked.

Vincent's eyes widened at your angelic voice suddenly speaking up. He quickly turned his head back to stare at the now done noodles, making it seem like he had been focusing on that the entire time.

Vincent hummed, telling you to go on with your inquiry.

"I just wanted to, um... apologise..."
You said, your head turned to look at Vincent.

Vincent was so happy he had his mask on, or else you'd be witness to his very rosy visage. His eyes couldn't meet yours, but you knew he was still listening.
You figured he wasn't looking at you just because he was shy.

Vincent gave you a quick glance before looking away and a slight tilt of his head, wondering what you'd be apologising for.

"I feel bad that I don't always know what you're trying to tell me, and I'm sorry I don't. I don't have a bunch of experience with that field of know?"
You gave an awkward smile.

Vincent nodded in understanding.

"I promise I'll get the hang of the whole sign language thing...eventually."
You gave a small laugh.

Vincent surprisingly made a small chuckle like sound. It wasn't entirely a laugh, but it sounded like it was meant to be one, which made you smile in accomplishment.

Vincent actually seemed like quite a cool guy, even though he is probably also a murderer - but let's not put labels on him right now.

You seemed to have just recieved a one way ticket to gaining Vincent's trust, so that was good.

'One down, 11 to go...'
You thought, and sighed inwardly.

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