Chapter 2 - New Friends...?

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Y/N had just gotten on her private flight along with her parents but they were on the other side of the jet drinking what Y/N thought to be alcohal. Meanwhile she was all alone playing with her toys, for an hour or so before her mind drifted off to thinking about Angelica, aka bubba, Y/N had called her that ever since she could speak. And angelica would always call her things like darlin', sweet pea, sweet heart, baby, and some other things but those were the most popular of names.

Their personal flight attendent had came up to the little girl asking if she would like any thing to drink.

"Could I get you anything miss?"
The flight attendent seemed bored, and tired. Like if she stood there any longer she would loose her mind.

"uhm, a-apple juice please....?"
The little girl replied. Hoping it would be to much trouble on the poor attendent.

"Of course miss,"
The flight attendent began to walk off.

I said just loud enough it would get her attention.
"C-Could you tell m-me how much longer t-this i-is going to b-be?"
She stuttered. Still feeling quite upset about the whole sudden changes; and most importantly...loosing her best friend because of it....

"Of course, I'll go ask."
She walked away with a tired smile.
poor girl. She must have been through alot these past few hours, having to deal with my drunk parents and all, must be a huge handfull for such a young woman.

I sighed and lifted the necklace that was resting on my chest...the last thing I got before I had to leave Bubba...I opened it and stared at the photo of the two of us.
"I miss you b-bubba..." I whispered quietly, then sniffled. Trying to suppress the few sobs that wanted to be let out.

--Narrator's POV--

The flight attendent had finally came back and walked over to the little girl who was sitting in one of the jets seats, which were much to big for a short little gal like her, but definitly more comfortable then a chair which would fit her small size.
The flight attendent set the girls juice down on the table next to her.

"Here you are miss"
She smiled at the girl.
"Oh, and the pilot said that it would be another hour or so."

"O-Okay...thank y-you"
The girl smiled back.

"Hey, I know how this all must feel for you....stressful, upsetting, scary....
but don't worry it'll all get better."
Ths flight attendent bent over to the girls height.

"You think s-so?"
Y/N asked. To which the woman replied.

"I don't think so....I know so"
The woman booped the girls nose before walking away, off to do her job once more. She was nice, and kind of like No one is like Bubba, Bubba is so much better....I want Bubba.

After an hour and ten minutes the jet had finally come to a halt. Landing on the ground. My parents immediatly started stumbling out of the bar area and started to walk down the jets stairs that led to the outside. To literally everyones surprise neither of them had fallen. Y/N quickly picked up all her toys placing them in her bag once more before seeing the flight attendent pop her head out from behind the curtain that had seperated the bar from the main room; which Y/N was inside of.
The woman started to make her way over to the girl.

"Would you like me to walk you out?"
The flight attendent asked politly.

Y/N nodded eagerly.
"Y-Yes p-please"
She said with the smallest smile.

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