Chapter 3 - Names.

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--Y/N's POV--

We all sat there listening to the sounds of nature; the wind, the leaves on the willow tree blowing slightly in the wind.
Minutes went by like seconds as we sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was nice...Comfortable.
The boys knew that I didn't want to talk much, that I just need some good company. To feel less alone.

We all realised that the sun was pretty much already down, leaving the sky with nothing but a mix of dark grey and black; with stars sparkling brightly in the dark sky.

'I will have to go home now....but I really don't want to. Plus what would it matter if I didn't go back. It's not like they listen to me either way. If anything it would seem like a regular day for them. Same to me aswell.'

Letting out a shaky sad sigh before saying aloud,
"Its too dark out now, I have to go home..."
I don't want to go home.

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?"
another Boy that I had never heard spoke up, it was a smart looking boy that asked.

"H-Honestly? I don't k-know..."
I replied, I couldn't stand not knowing something. Walking into the unknown was one of my worst fears...but it was the truth. I didn't know if something would happen...or if I would get yelled at again. I just- didn't know.

A couple more tears escaped my eyes.
I'm scared...

"Hey! I have an idea!"
The boy in the Nirvana shirt cheered.
All of our eyes turned to look at him, waiting to hear the idea he was so passionate about.
"Maybe you could join our sleepover?"
All of the other Boys looked at him baffled, with wide eyes.

"WHAT?! No way is she joining our sleepover."
The boy in the red tee-shirt shouted.

Jeez, could've just said no.

"No one asked you, blondie. And last time I checked it's my house. So, you don't really have say in this."
Another boy spoke, he was wearing a grey tank top, with black sweat pants. He almost matched with the boy in the Nirvana shirt.

'Wait....I don't even know their names.'

The boys began to bicker back and forth for a bit before I interrupted; realising I didn't even say if I was going to or not. AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR NAMES! Angelica always told me to never go anywhere with a complete stranger. Sure they did help me feel better, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't be Serial Killers.

I screeched at the top of my longues, trying to get their attention over all the loud agruing. And it worked. They all stopped and looked to me for a reason why I screamed at them.
"I don't e-even know y-your names, so, how am I suppose to k-know if you guys a-aren't serial k-k-killers..."
My stuttering was kind of getting better, but I was still quite upset about that whole situation earlier so, it's still pretty bad.

"Well you know that we're not 'serial killers' because if we wanted to inflict any harm on you, we would have already done so."
The sophisticated boy stated, matter of factly.

"W-Well sti-ill. I want to k-know your names, o-one by o-one..."
I demanded.

The boy in the Nirvana shirt
Walked over to Me/infront of all the other boys and pointed at the first boy I assumed he was going to introduce.
He pointed to the boy in the navy-ish jacket with the grey shirt and baggy jeans.

"That's Norman." He pointed to the stuttering boy. And repeated the same pattern until the last boy:
"That's Freddy," he pointes to the boy wearing a brown fedora.

He said pointing to the guy who stood up for me during that whole Previous lash out done by none other than the boy in the red shirt.

He pointed to one of the boys who hasn't spoken; but was wearing a grey tank top and a green cardigan sweater, with a pair of plain pants to top it off with.
Just as he pointed to Michael, Michael growled; rolling his eyes aswell as crossing his arms and turning away.
"Anyway....those two are bff's, Michael and Jason."
He said giggling and pointing to Michael then Jason.

"Then theres Bo,"
He pointed to another boy who also hasn't spoken a word; he was wearing a navy blue hat and a navy blue tank top with some jeans that were kinda scuffed up.
"and Hannibal."
The sophisticated boy.

"Then last but most certainly not least. Me; Billy, Loomis. M'lady,"
He joked bowing, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

A light shade of pink went across my face at the unexpected random burst of affection.
"N-Nice to meet y-you all, I'm Y-Y/N..."
I smiled lightly.


"So, would you do us the honour of joining or little hang out-sesh?"
The boy supposedly named Billy asked.

Meanwhile I thought it over inside my head really quick. Should I go? Or go back to that hell I call home...?
I thought it over for a couple more minutes before making my decision.


[ A/N : HEY DUDES! I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned for the rest <3 (also im very motivated to add to this story, so expect alot of chapters in a small period of time.)  ]

Edited : ✔︎

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