Chapter 46 - Some quality time with The Sinclair's. 1/2

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Y/N startled out of her sleep, having the same re-occurring dream of someone nicknamed "Bubba". The H/C haired girl couldn't quite recall who this stranger was, but she figured she must of existed or have been important enough in her life for the young woman to have dreamed about her so often lately.

The girl tried to fall back asleep, but she felt off. It was too warm, she decided.
Y/N tried to push off some of the blankets, although, they wouldn't budge. Y/N became greatly confused and tried to sit up after having rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes.

She was pulled back down onto the bed.

Y/N let out a yelp as she was forcefully yanked back down onto the plush and comfortable piece of furniture.

She whipped her gaze around herself to find the reason for being so selfishly tossed around. She glanced at her waist and saw a veiny and strong arm wrapped tightly around her beautifully crafted body. Billy laid practically on top of her, his complete upper half laying on her chest and tummy.
Well, that sure would explain why she felt so toasty in her bed.

She sighed as she heard Billy mumble a request,
"Please, just a few more minutes, Y/N..."
He said as he kept his eyes closed.

Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sleepy man cuddled up to her. She didn't seem to mind the close proximity between the two kindred souls. She didn't even bother asking herself the question of why he was here.
She didn't remember invited him into her room last night? As a matter of fact, she didn't remember going to bed at all.

Just as the young woman was about to relax back into the peaceful embrace of sleep, she spotted a foot in the air.

She furrowed her brows and frowned curiously. She lifted her head up more to get a better view of what exactly she was suppose to be looking at.

Stu appeared to have fallen off of the bed, but settled for the floor anyway or didn't even notice that he had fallen off to begin with - a blanket was tossed across only his lower stomach while the rest of his body faced the cold air of Y/N's bedroom. Stu's right foot seemed to be "standing on business" as it leaned on Y/N's bed still, even if every other part of him stayed put on the floor.

Y/N almost couldn't hold in her laugh at the sight. How deep of a sleeper was Stu?

Y/N rolled her eyes and her body nestled in delight against the bed as her thoughts ceased and she fell back to sleep.


Y/N rose at around late morning, which would be ten or so in the morning. The two Ghostface-killers were not present when she woke up. She had never felt so rested, since she couldn't even remember when. The young woman felt ready to take on just about anything!

She felt fulfilled, happy, refreshed, and excited to start the day. As if she got a new beginning.

Maybe, just maybe, she did.

To only add to her gorgeous morning, a soft knock was delivered on her door, almost sounding like a song with the rhythmically thumped knocks.

Y/N sat up and called out to the mystery visitor,
"Come in!"

After a moment or two, Y/N watched as the door knob turned and the door squeaked open to reveal a familiar long black haired man - Vincent Sinclair.

Y/N smiled brightly at him, she was happy it wasn't anyone who wanted to start drama. She really did not want to deal with such things having only been up for about ten minutes. That and because she didn't want her once-in-a-lifetime happy mood to falter because of someone needing attention.

"Good morning, Vincent! To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing such a wonderful man, such as yourself, this morning?"
Y/N smiled brightly.

Vincent took immediate notice of her glorious mood and did what he could to return the energy without words. Vincent wasn't ready for verbal responses, at least, not yet.

The man nodded at the woman and just then she spotted something in his hands. A tray with an array of foods sprawled out wonderfully across it on different plates. Such as: fruits, pancakes, F/F, bacon, toast with F/J jam, and to drink Y/N's favourite drink - F/D.

Y/N gasped in content.
"Is that for me?"
She asked, hopefully.

Vincent walked over to her side and placed the tray onto her lap carefully, the legs of the tray holding up sturdily on either side of Y/N. Vincent pointed at Y/N, then the tray, indicating it was in fact for her.

Vincent wanted to give back to her. He saw how stressed she had been ever since she got to the house, he had been watching her. He saw how much she did for the others, but never got anything much in return if anything at all. He came to appreciate her and cherish her presence in his life very much.

The E/C eyed woman seemed to understand him more than anyone ever before, creating this bond between the two that seemed to be in unbreakable. They had their own way of communicating and it was special to Vincent. Communication and understanding is very important to him, which is ironic considering he doesn't speak.

The woman couldn't help but reach up, careful as to not tip the amazing-smelling food over, and gently pulled Vincent's face down to meet hers. Y/N kissed Vincent (masked) on his left cheek and then she kissed his scarred right cheek.

Vincent felt butterflies in his stomach and a great warmth in his heart as the woman did so.

Vincent couldn't believe she had done that. It had almost brought happy tears to his eyes feeling her do that. He felt so loved, admired, and cherished in a way he had never felt before.

"Thank you so much Vincent. This really is the most perfect morning and you made it that much better,"
Y/N told the very tall male.

Vincent just stared blankly at the H/C haired girl, still in a pleasant state of surprise.

"Would you like to stay? I'm almost one-hundred percent sure I will not be able to finish this all by myself, would you like to share with me?"
Y/N asked her big E/C eyes full of hope as she looked up at the wax-masked man.

Vincent still stared.

"Vincent? Are you okay?"
Y/N giggled softly.

Vincent snapped out of his trance and nodded quickly.

"Would you like to stay and have breakfast with me?"
Y/N repeated her previous question, noticing that the male probably hadn't heard her the first time around.

Vincent thought for a moment before deciding, he would stay, but not eat. Vincent couldn't.
To eat, he would need his mouth of course, but it was covered by his mask so he would have to take it off to eat with Y/N and he wasn't too sure about getting that comfortable with her just yet.

Y/N moved around and made a comforting space for the two of them to sit as they eat. Vincent sat down on her bed stiffly.

After a few seconds of sitting in silence, Y/N seemed to realize something.
"Oh, wait. How silly of me, I forgot to even ask if you were okay with eating in front of me."
Y/N spat out frantically.
"Would you be comfortable or would you like me to turn around so you may eat?"

Vincent raised an amused eyebrow at the bubbly girl.
She would be willing to face a wall just so he could have a safe place to eat?

"I really wouldn't mind, I want you to stay and eat with me, but I need to know you are comfortable doing so with me. So if I need to face the other way, I have no hesitance in doing so."

Y/N continued to look at him while she awaited his answer patiently.

Vincent looked to the door and listened for any footsteps, when hearing none he looked into Y/N's eyes and nodded.
This response made the girl practically jump in excitement and joy fullness.

"Okie dokie,"
She said as she took a bowl of fruit and turned the opposite way, facing her head board.

She popped a grape into her mouth as she started a pleasant conversation with Vincent for the duration of breakfast. However, it wasn't necessarily a "conversation", the girl just talked and Vincent would either hum in reply or just listen to her honey-sweet self speak.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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