Chapter 20 - Getting Her Back (finding mikey)

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--Hannibal's POV--

The rest of the group sits outside, some sitting and some standing up against the fence that surrounds the outside of the asylum, I for one am standing.
We are all waiting for Bo to come back with some weapons so we can protect ourselves.

The only people out here not including myself would be 4 people: Jason, Freddy, Norman and Brahms.

Brahms had to stay back because on the way here, he tripped on Freddy. well, more like Freddy tripped him - which made Brahms fall and he landed on his foot wrong. Snapping the bone in his ankle.
So right now, he's sitting this one out.
We don't have much time until the sun is up, which means I didn't have time to patch Brahms up. After Brahms fell Jason just picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, ignoring his pained cries, and just walked over to Smith's Grove.

After awhile of us sitting and watching the main doors at the front of the asylum, Bo finally came out.

He made sure no one was around before running up to us, handing everyone a weapon.

I got a knife, because I'm not the biggest fan of guns and tasers, and all the other ones.
Norman got a knife too, just incase he needed something to protect himself.
But of course norman couldn't show that he had it, considering he is suppose to be acting as a patient and all. So, he hid it away up his false straight jacket.

Before Norman and I headed on in, I turn to him and I start buckling up his straight jacket. Tight enough to keep him still, but loose enough to break free from.

"Okay, l-let's head in."
Norman stated, he looked at me making sure I was ready to go.

I hummed as a reply, we stood up and began walking to the front doors of the asylum.
Norman and I threw on our acting faces, Norman putting a crazy twitch in his eyes and I acting like I had an extreme psycho in my hands. Which I did.

I gripped the back of his straight jacket tight, guiding him through the halls.

This reminded me of my days in the looney bin. Ah, such fond memories I have from way back.
But I could always think about those later, right now I must focus on meeting up with Stu and Billy without attracting attention to ourselves.

Walking through the asylum halls it all felt strange, there was no one here. Not a single doctor or physciatrist in sight, aside from myself. Not even a crazed patient roaming the halls.
No guards, no nothing.

We kept on walking down the halls feeling a bit more relaxed that we didn't have to throw on a face for anyone, the pressure to make sure everyone believed us. It was gone. Though, I'm still keeping my guard up. Something about this doesn't sit right with me.

We walked passed the main office, a foul metal and flesh smell hit mine and Norman's nose.
Norman almost gaged, and I tried to turn my head away to breath in fresh air instead of that terrible rotting smell.

But my curiousity was starting to take over my mind.

Of course I'm pretty sure I know exactly what that smell is.
But as gross as it is, I missed that smell quite alot. Just the memories of what caused such a foul smell made me smile with glee.

My curiosity got the better of me, I walk over to the main office. But before I walk in. I decided to leave Norman outside, Norman has been through enough. I don't want him to see such a sight.

And what a sight it is to see...

Norman was okay with sitting on the bench outside the main office, he agreed too that he didn't want to see whatever was creating that stench.

I walk into the office and see no one in the room, red flag number one.
I was going to look around before heading behind the desk but little splatters of blood caught my eye, red flag number two.
I walk behind the desk and see two dead, dismantled, bodies. One of a woman and one of a man.

'So much for the suttle approach, Bo.'

Well, there is red flag number three.

I walk out, knowing I've seen enough.
Now, off to actually do what we are suppose to - get Michael out of that cell.

I walked back out and see Norman just sitting on the bench, calmly waiting.

"Come on, Norman."
I help Norman up off the bench.

We begin our walk to find Stu and Billy just then two males come bursting through the door behind the desk in the main office, with a sign on it that says 'Staff Only'.
There stands, exactly who we are looking for. Stu and Billy. They glance at me then look away.

"Wait. OH SHIT!"
Stu brings his glance back to me.
Billy holds up a gun, pointing it at me.

"Jesus...scare us half to death why don't you, Hannibal..."
Billy breathed out, putting the gun back down. Stu and Billy took deep breaths. I must of given them a good scare for them to be so short of breath.

I questioned, technically it's not entirely my fault. I mean, how was I suppose to know they were there. Besides, I'm just filling in my part of the deal, so I can have Y/N back.

The two males walked out of the office and towards us.

"So, you have the key I assume?"
I questioned.

Stu replied to me, he motioned for us to walk down the hall opposite of the main office. Basically we walked down the hallway on my right.

Once we all reached the end of the hallway, we saw a door with blurry glass windows with a sign that says 'stairs'.

"I guess this is where we go."

"Well assuming that there is no elevator and the sign on the main office door said 'room 19' meaning Michael's sell is not on this floor,"
I took a deep breath before continuing.
"Yes, we do go this way."

"Jeez, okay sassy pants. What's up your ass?"
Stu stated.
I was going to retort back in a rude demeanor but was interrupted by red flashing lights flicking on and off whilst the blaring sound of the alarms filled our ears, we all bolted up the stairs.

I called out over the loud alarms.

We continued to rush up the stairs until we got to a door that said, 'Floor 3A'.

'This is it.'

I pushed open the door and the boys followed behind me, the sound of the alarms were a little more faint but still loud enough I had to yell if I wanted to speak.

I began descending the halls, looking at all the numbers on the cell doors. The cells looked exactly as I expected.
This wasn't a prison, it is a physc ward. Holding some of the most dangerous people in the world. Which means, no bars. Only very strong re-inforced glass rooms. But those only held the less dangerous of the crazed. The more crazed stayed in an almost all cement and metal rooms. With no windows, except a little window on the metal door that locks them in there. But that was it.

I read all the numbers on the doors, most of crazed killers and/or psycho's ran up to the windows and doors windows to get a look at what was going on.

As we walked we kept on getting closer and closer to the cell we were looking for.

'310, 311...'
I paused my thoughts for a moment. Before I spoke aloud, to anyone who would hear it. Even if it was just me.


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