Chapter 43 - Some quality time with Stu and Billy.

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Y/N startled awake with a loud gasp. She felt her surroundings with her soft S/C hands in a panic, and sighed in relief whenever she realized she was back in the comfort of her own room.
Although it wasn't the dream she previously had that startled her, in fact the dream was the best she'd had in a while, it was the sensation of being thrown back into the real world by a loud bang which was followed by laughter coming from downstairs in the house she was trapped in.

'What was that?'
Y/N asked herself, even though she knew that she couldn't answer the rhetorical question.

Y/N climbed out of her bed and was about to get dressed, but she paused when she spotted herself in the bedroom mirror. She was wearing the exact clothes she was in her dream.

"How strange..."
Y/N said aloud.
"How is such a thing possible if it was all just a dream?"

"Because it wasn't necessarily a dream, dear."
A sophisticated voice informed from behind her.

Y/N jumped, she hadn't even heard her bedroom door open.

"Excuse me?"
Y/N questioned further, needing answers to the Peculiar situation she found herself in.

"It may have seemed like a dream, but it wasn't. It was just a world Krueger had created in your head."
Hannibal explained.

"Isn't that basically what a dream is?"
Y/N inquired.

"No, dreams are mental, emotional, or sensory experiences that take place while you sleep. They show 90% of the time your unconscious desires and wishes."
Hannibal took a few steps closer.
"Krueger shows and puts whatever he wants inside your head, he creates worlds the way he sees fit."

"'Well then how do you explain the clothes?"

"He has the ability to bring some things into the real world, but not much, since his powers are much weaker in real life. Considering that he is a dream demon, it would only make sense, would it not?"

"Huh, I would say that having that ability is cool, but I don't want Freddy to get too cocky."
Y/N half-joked.

Hannibal let out a small deep chuckle.
"Too late for that, I'm afraid."

Hannibal and Y/N laughed together, before being loudly interrupted by two best friends.
"Y/N! Y/N! We found out how to make the TV work, want to come watch a movie?"
Billy offered, but he paused when he looked down.
"Damn, nice outfit."

Billy looked Y/N up and down and grinned cheekily. But his love struck stare was cut short when Stu came bursting into Y/N's bedroom behind him.

"Hey, I was going to ask her first!"
Stu whined.

"Whatever, It was my idea."
Billy responded.

"Bullshit! You didn't even fix the TV, Bo did,"
Stu revealed.

"I helped!"
Billy defended himself.

"Yeah, you were a big help handing him a pair of pliers, cause you 'didn't want to mess up your hair' !"
Stu continued to expose Billy by quoting him on what he had said to Bo and Stu downstairs, while Bo was fixing the TV for the two of them.
Well, it wasn't necessarily for the two of them. He wanted to spend time with Y/N by watching something she liked - that's the only reason he got straight to work on the TV, not because the two young men asked him.

Billy looked like he was about to kick Stu where the sun didn't shine, but before the two could start a brawl, Y/N intervened.

"I would love to watch a movie, with the both of you."
Y/N spoke calmly, as to not upset either of the feisty boys any more.

Both of their gazes snapped over to Y/N.

The two asked in sync.

"For sure! What movie are we watching?"
Y/N asked as she began walking out of the room, totally brushing aside the fact that her outfit was a little revealing and she had meant to change it, who cares, it was comfortable.

(If you'd like a different outfit than the one I've chosen for the character, possibly consider the ones I've linked in the comments!)

"My Bloody Valentine,"
Billy requested.

"No, we should watch Jeepers creepers!"
Stu yelled over Billy.

"How about a movie marathon? That way, everyone is happy."
Y/N said serenely.

"What a bright idea, Y/N."
Hannibal said as he passed her on the stairs.
"You three have fun, I must run some errands, so I wont be back till later tonight."

Billy and Stu gave Hannibal a silent nod of acknowledgment, before walking to the living room.
"Buy ice cream on your way back!"
Stu shouted at Hannibal, not even sparing a glance back at him.

Y/N walked Hannibal to the door.
"Y/N, it will be just you three in the house for now, so make sure those two boys don't burn the house down."

"You got it,"
Y/N smiled.

Hannibal placed his long grey trench coat over his dress shirt, grabbed a wallet and keys, before turning to the H/C haired woman to give her his full attention when she spoke up.

"So, was there a reason for you coming into my room earlier, before we were interrupted? Did you need anything from me?"
Y/N asked softly, looking up at Hannibal.

"Not particularly, I was just going to inform you that I was leaving. I wanted you to keep an eye on those two."
Hannibal told her.
"Anyway's don't go escaping, you hear me? There are dangerous things placed all around the outside of the house, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?"
Hannibal kissed her forehead before turning around and unlocking the many locks on the front door, swinging it wide open.

Y/N stood silently and watched him give her one last look before turning around and closing the door behind himself, Y/N heard clicks when the door shut, indicating there were more locks on the other side of the door as well as the inside.

But that made her think back to her previous escape attempt, through the kitchen door - did it have as many locks or any at all? She would need to check discreetly and make note of it. This could be her chance to finally leave this place behind.

Even though the thought excited her, another part of her protested. It was yelling at her all the cons that came along with escaping. For one; what would she be going back to? Her old life? Could you even call that living?
But the reasonable part of her brain yearned for freedom once more. Having a few hours out of the house once a month, was never going to cut it for Y/N.

Y/N walked over to the living room, not wanting the boys to grow suspicious at how long she was gone for. Last thing she needed was any of the slashers hot on her trail, especially if she was going to succeed in escaping.

"There you are, Y/N! We were wondering where you had gone,"
Stu said.

"I was just helping Hannibal out the door, is all."
Y/N eased their minds as she walked over and plopped onto the couch.

There was still some blood from when she had gotten a bear trap snapped around her ankle and they were fixing her up splattered on the edge of the couch. The skin had healed, but left scars and still had some bruising around it, but she was able to walk on it comfortably now.

Stu sat on the right side of Y/N while Billy turned on the TV and began playing Jeepers Creepers - only because Stu had won a game of rock paper scissors. Once Billy was done setting everything up, he came over and sat on Y/N's left, swinging an arm around the back of the couch, directly behind Y/N - on "accident" - it totally wasn't to try and get closer to Y/N.

"Alright, let's get this movie marathon started,"
Y/N said as Billy pressed play on the remote.

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