Chapter 41 - Some quality time (Freddy) 1/2

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'Why did I do that?!'
Y/N thought to herself.

It had been a few days since the whole 'new rules' thing happened, and Y/N still couldn't believe the way she acted around them.

She was way to kind and she even hugged Hannibal!

Ever since then, Y/N was beyond angry at herself. Because she was suppose to show them the consequences if they were going to act so selfish - which would be her staying completely silent around them, not being polite, and make them feel guilty for what they have all done to her (and others).

Now they would think it was okay, and Y/N would never get her point across, that what they were doing to her wasn't alright-!

A raspy voice called out to her.

Y/N snapped her head in the direction of her bedroom door and spotted Freddy standing there.

"How's my sexy girl doing?"
Freddy flirted as he strutted over to her.

Y/N quickly hid the book she was angrily scribbling in, she hoped Freddy wouldn't ask about it because it was something she have someone discover and ruin - her plans of escape.

Although Y/N was still writing some small notes and key things on a successful escape, she had less motivation to do it lately, and she couldn't figure out why.

Y/N looked into Freddy's eyes, hoping she could distract him enough to keep his attention off the book - that she practically slid off her desk out of fear of him catching onto her.

Y/N ignored the slightly distasteful nickname Freddy had given her and pushed through the uncomfortable feeling in her gut.

"I'm good."
Y/N gave Freddy half lidded eyes, giving them a look of "lust" for the man infront of her.
"Better now that you're here."

'Please don't let him ask about the book...'
Y/N repeated over and over in her mind, hoping that some god above would save her from this torturous moment.

"I-I missed you.."
Y/N tried to speak confidently, so that Freddy wouldn't possibly catch on to her string of lies.

"Oh yeah?"
Freddy grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body against his.
"Why don't you show me, just how much you missed me, sweet thing?"

Freddy backed Y/N up against her desk and leaned down to her height.
His face was so close to hers, that Y/N could feel his breath fanning her face.

Y/N looked away from Freddy's eyes for a minute, unsure of what to do. Her mind was drawing a blank, her brain too occupied with Freddy being so close to her.

Y/N's eyes darted around the room.

Freddy grabbed her face (somewhat) gently, so that she would look him in his eyes.

"You what?"
Freddy's raspy, deep voice spoke lowly.

Y/N went to answer, but was distracted by Freddy suddenly reaching behind her and grabbing something off of her desk.

"And what's this?"
Freddy backed away from Y/N and looked at the cover of the book.

A feeling of panic swept through Y/N.

"Oh- uh, that's just a book I've started reading. Well awhile ago...I started reading it awhile ago."
Y/N quickly blurted out.

Y/N jogged over to Freddy and attempted to grab the book from his hands before he could see what she was actually doing with it.

Freddy gave her a look, lifting the book so that she couldn't reach it.

"Ugh, come on Freddy give it back!"
Y/N whined, still trying to grab it.

Freddy put his non-gloved hand on the girls head, indicating for her to calm down.

"Hey! Get your hand off of me."
The H/C haired girl crossed her arms and glared up at the slightly taller male.

Freddy wagged his knived pointer finger side to side.
"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast."

Y/N just scowled at him, not saying a thing.

"You seem to be in a real fucking hurry to get it back. I wonder why..."
Freddy smirked.

Y/N shoved Freddy's hand off of her head and frowned.

"It's nothing. I just want it back so I can continue reading it, it's a good book."
Y/N defended herself.

"Why don't we read it together then?"
The burned man said.
"It's my turn to spend time with you today."

"You reading? Especially a romance book?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow.

Freddy gave Y/N a hurt look and put a hand to his chest.
"Careful Y/N, you might just make me cry."

"Oh shut up, Freddy."
Y/N spat, but a ghost of a smile rested on her face.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone, for now."
Freddy threw the book wherever and Y/N winced as it smacked against the floor.
"So, what would you like to do for our little adventure today, hm?"

Y/N quirked an eyebrow at Freddy's suggestive tone, then a flirty grin appeared on her face.

"I may have a few ideas in mind..."
Y/N leaned in slightly towards him.

Freddy smirked and grasped her hips.

"Oh yeah?"
Freddy brushed a knived finger across Y/N's collarbone.
"Like what?"

Y/N's grin changed into one of mischievous intent.
"Sit and do nothing!"

Freddy's grin dropped and he sighed, disappointed that Y/N didn't say what he hoped she would - and we all know what he wanted her to say/do.

Freddy quickly masked his disappointment with a teasing smile.
Y/N twisted out of Freddy's grasp, and went to put her - regular, and totally normal - book back on her shelf, to keep it out of sight and out of mind.

"Hah, very funny."
Freddy grabbed Y/N's hips before she could get far.

Freddy's eyes flickered over to the book with a suspicious glare. He had noticed how tempted Y/N was to get back over to that book.
So, either it was a really good book, or something was hiding in between the lines. Literally.

'Ugh, are you serious?! Just let me put the book away!'
Y/N mentally groaned.

Freddy raised an eyebrow, and Y/N was quick to spot it.

'Oh shit. Can he read minds?! is that even possible? Oh god, I'm going to pass out! No...just're fine, everything's fine.'
Y/N's thoughts were frantic as her breathing became slightly heavier.
'Will he find out? Oh, shut up Y/N! If he can read minds, then shut up!'

Freddy let out a raspy chuckle.
"You're a very clever and sexy girl, Y/N. Always quick to put the pieces together."

"So, you can read minds...can't you?"
Y/N spoke hesitantly.

"Ding ding ding!"
Freddy made a sound that told her she was 'right on the money'.
"Once again, you're very quick to put the pieces together."

"Thank you...?"
Y/N mumbled, while trying not to completely freak out at the fact Freddy could literally read minds and hear any thoughts she had. Any thoughts she had.

"But...are you quick enough, for this?"
Freddy spoke, keeping a strangely tight grasp on Y/N's waist.

"What's that suppose to mean-"
Y/N didn't get an answer to her sentence before she was knocked out cold.

Freddy had waved a hand infront of her face, and his so-called magic, made Y/N's body go limp and her eyes fall shut and her mind go blank.

Freddy caught her in his arms and used his power of the dream world, to set the scene...

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