Chapter 7 - The Perfect Costume.

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We all hurried to my house and by the time we got there it was around 5:30pm, just enough time for us to find me a halloween costume.

I opened the door cautiously, poking my head in to make sure the cost was clear. Once i saw that no one was around i quickly rushed everyone in the house then pushed them up the stairs and into my room. When we were all inside the bedroom i closed the door behind us and locked it.
I quickly ran over to my walk in closet and ripped open the white double doors, revealing a most glorious and massive closet! It had everything you could ever want in there, you need a tiara? Ive got 20. Need a pair of shoes? Ive got like 40 of all different kinds!
Even though my parents didn't like me all that much. They sure as hell loved to spend money. So when they came across something for me, they would buy it and put it in here without mw even knowing; id just find it a couple weeks later randomly.
And of course i appreciate that atleast they still buy me clothes but spending money on me is different then not actually talking to me.

Once i opened the closet, all of the guys mouths dropped. They saw i had everything. From dresses to shoes. From earrings to necklaces and bracelets! And so much more, even some makeup i had just thrown in there.
I walked over to the side that i had all my dresses hung up neatly, i ushered the boys to come in instead of just standing there with their jaws to the floor as i was going through all the dresses.
After awhile of the boys just looking around my closet touching everything they possibly could, and even weaeing some of my stuff, they walked over to where i was still standing trying to decide on a dress that looked nice enough to be my princess dress. Yes, my princess dress. On the way here we had to make some sort of conversation, other wise it would just be all silent and awkward. So jason, being the genious he is, decided to talk about what i should be. And i decided on being a princess. Specifically cinderella. But with Y/H/C hair. (If its not blonde)
[A/N: Y/H/C = Your Hair Color.]

"I can't find anything."
I grumbled.

"im sure theres somethin' in there darlin' "
Bo said, everytime he called me a name like that. I liked it, it reminded me of bubba alot but ive gotten over that. Of course i do miss her alot, but she still visits me on my birthdays and will on holidays. All but halloween of course, thats the busiest night for her! She is still cleaning houses and stuff, She gets calls from people, all around my old town. Cause my old bullies and their friends were going around throwing things at people houses and couldn't handle cleaning it up themsleves.
Anyway, i liked when he called me that cause it reminded me of happier times, but now that i have these guys...this is the happiest ill ever be.

"Yeah, theres gotta be something in here. I mean come on, your closet is like a mall."
Stu agreed.

I sat down on the light pink leather seat that was in the middle of the room, right beside michael.
I sat there and sighed, before i felt shifting and then a lack of weight beside me; michael had gotten up and walked over to where i previously was.
He seemed to be deep in thought, thinking hard on his choice while skimming along the dresses.
His eyes kept roaming until they stopped. He reached his hand up to one of the dresses hangers and pulled out a gown i had totally forgotten about.

'How did i not see that!'

"what about this one?"
Michael questioned, turning to face me and the guys while holding the dress in the air so we could get a full view of it.
It was gorgeous and it seemed like the rest of the guys thought so too.

I stood up and took a few steps towards michael and reached out for the dress

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I stood up and took a few steps towards michael and reached out for the dress. I grabbed it and felt the smooth vibrant blue material. It is very pretty and i have the perfect accesories to go with it!
I smiled really big and got super excited.
My luck was finally changing!

I turned around and gently placed the dress on the bench i was just sitting on, then ran to the other side of my closet to pick out the perfect accesories. I opened a droor that held my necklaces, and picked out a choker i had from awhile back. And closed the droor before opening the droor under it.
That held my earrings, i picked put a beautiful pair of pearls.
But i felt like i was missing something...THE TIARA!
Gosh, how could i forget that!

I quickly skipped over to where i held all my tiaras. Looking amongst them all, trying to find one that would suit it best. But they were all so pretty! And would go so well. And i just couldn't decide. I needed the boys help.

"Guys, come here please."
I said loud enough for them to hear me.
They all walked to my side, and look at what i was looking at.
"I can't decide which would look best."
I said, jesturing to the tiaras infront of me. We stood there in silence for a moment before Brahms spoke up.

"I think this one looks nice."
He pointed to a gold colored crown, with accents of white rhinestones. That would go perfectly! With the dress and the pearls! Not to mention the costume im going for.

 That would go perfectly! With the dress and the pearls! Not to mention the costume im going for

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"Thats perfect, Brahms!"
I cheered, picking up the crown gently.
Now i had everything i needed for my costume.
I would need someone to do my hair though...Maybe michaels mommy could help! Shes always so nice and said if i needed anything she was there for me. And her hair always looks so pretty.
All i have to do is ask.

"Hey michael?"
michael looked at me and hummed as a reaponse.
"Would your mommy be able to do my hair for me?"
Michael thought for a second or two before nodding his head.

"Im sure she would! she likes you, and thinks your a very sweet girl. So im sure she will without a doubt!"
I smiled,
'she thinks im sweet!'

Thank gosh, if she thought i was mean id be in the dumps. And i wouldn't have michael as my friend.
The thought of loosing one of these guys is the worst.

I went back to where the dress layed and placed the stuff that was going to be going with it, around it. And smiled.
I looked at the time and it was now 6:20pm. I gasped, wow, time sure does go by when your having fun.

I looked back at the boys and told them they should probably head back home now. That wasn't the main reason i thought they should leave though, its cause my mommy and daddy would be getting home soon and i didn't know what would happen if they saw i had boys over. Even if they were just friends.

"Bye, Y/N! See you tomorrow for trick or treating!"
Michael said well leaving, and the rest of them waving to me. I waved back and watched as they all left until i couldn't see their figures anymore.

I walked back into my closet and grabbed a random set of pajamas and slid right into them.

I glanced back at my dress then walked out of my closet, turning off the closet lights and closing the doors.
I sighed and walked over to my book shelf; i decided to read some disney books. After i grabbed the books i closed my curtains and hopped in my bed. I got under the covers and cuddled close to my stuffed animals. I started with Beauty and the beast, and worked my way down the fantasy list.
I would go watch TV or something, but like i said before. My parents would be home any minute, and i never go downstairs when they are home. Not after what happened the last time i did exactly that.

After reading for two hours straight, it was getting late. And i felt really sleepy. But i was half way through sleeping beauty and didn't want to fall asleep until i was done reading the entire book. But my eyes begged for me to close them, but i kept on prying them open, trying to read more sentences but eventually. My eyes fluttered shut, and i just let the wonderful land of dreams take me away...

The book laying on my sleeping frame, as my chest went up and fell back down. Taking in small, slow breaths. As i cuddled mr. Keth. Waiting for a dream to pull me into a different reality.

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