Chapter 30 - Guess Who's Back.

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"What could you possibly want now?"
I ask, most of the men were not in the living room anymore.

The only people in the room being the guy in the mechanic suit who brought me here, Hannibal, Jason and that man with the wax mask.

I look to Hannibal for an answer, considering he seemed to be the only one who talked verbally.

"How well can you cook, Y/N?"
Hannibal randomly asked out of the blue.

"Uhm, pretty good if I do say so myself."
You smirk as I praise myself, then raise an eyebrow at the man.

"Bo requested you to make dinner, since he doesn't trust my cooking."
Hannibal finally tells me.

Why the fuck can't anyone else do it, I didn't know but I didn't feel like arguing right now. I am too tired, the blood loss caused me to loose a lot of my energy. Especially with my foot all fucked up it made it that much more difficult.

'Just do this, then you can go back upstairs to your room.'

You nodded with an exhausted sigh and stood up.

"Where is the kitchen?"

Before Hannibal could do anything the man in the mechanic suit gripped your hand and began pulling you away from the other men.

He walked me - well, I limped - through a hallway, then into a gorgeous Victorian kitchen. My eyes widened slightly at as I looked at it In complete awe.

"Its gorgeous!"

I accidentally said aloud. The man looked at me then tilted his head at my response. If I wasn't so focused on the kitchens beauty I could have sworn I heard the man chuckle.

He began to turn to leave and he looked almost hesitant, as if he didn't want to. But before he could make it far, I stopped him.

"What would you like for dinner?"
I turned to him after I finished gawking at the kitchen. He turned back around and looked around for something. Then he spotted a note pad hanging on the kitchen that had groceries they had to get written on it. The man grabbed it then began writing.

"What ever you would like."
He wrote. Then handed it to me so I could read it.

I smiled.

"Are you sure? I could make whatever you like,"

The man then paused. Then took the note pad back so he could write something to you once more.


I read.
"Of course, I did say anything,"

I smiled up at the tall man.
He nodded at me.

"I'll have that ready for you in thirty minutes or so, alright -..."
I went to say the mans name but paused - realising I don't even know his name.

I heard pencil on paper then a note pad was shoved in my face.

It wrote.

I smiled. Wait- Michael?!

I snapped my head towards him. Could it really be him? I mean it would make sense, I did have a lot of my old best friends already here, so, maybe it was him!

Michael's head nods and I squeal.

"Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much Michael!"

I ran to him and jumped in his arms. He looked surprised but then melted into the hug, placing his arms around my waist and his head hid in the crook of my neck.

-Narrator's POV-

The two stayed in the warm embrace for a while longer until they had finally let go. Michael was so happy. She had remembered him. After all these years, she remembered his name - him. The hug was just icing on the cake.

"Alright, I need to make dinner - its getting late."
Y/N smiled and playfully shooed him out of the kitchen.

Michael walked out and Y/N began gathering ingredients she had found scattered around the kitchen. And as she began to boil the water she began to hear classical music playing in another room, the living room is where it sounded like it was coming from.

Y/N for some odd reason felt at peace. She didn't necessarily feel endangered; because if any of these men wanted to hurt her they would have done It already. But no, she felt absolute bliss. The dim lights in the gorgeous Victorian kitchen added an ambiance like no other, the classical music made it just so much better and cooking was Y/N's favorite thing. She honestly felt she didn't do it enough.

Y/N lightly swayed to the romantic music as she placed the pasta into the boiling water.

An hour had gone by and everyone had enjoyed the meal a lot. The classical music never stopped playing throughout the entire night but no one seemed to mind at all. After dinner though, everyone scattered to go back to doing their own things and Y/N had dish duty. Bo's orders.

As she was scrubbing away at her last dish she felt another presence walk into the kitchen. She turned and saw that man with a wax-like mask. She still sadly didn't know his name but it couldn't hurt to ask right?

"Oh, hello...what's your name?"
The woman calmly spoke, as to not intimidate the person Infront of her.

He didn't speak and kind of just stood there - staring at the woman. He glanced at her up and down then took a step forward. Y/N raised an eyebrow as to what he was trying to do but the man still said nothing...neither did she. Y/N just waited and watched. The man eventually, after awhile of just staring, strutted on up to the woman and gripped her waist. Y/N gasped at the action but continued to wait and see what he would do next.

Maybe he wasn't trying to do anything weird, maybe he just wanted to...well, she didn't know what he wanted to do but she had a feeling that the man wasn't going to do anything to hurt her.

Then just as Y/N's mind tried to figure out what the man could possibly want another song began playing on the record player. The man gripped her waist with his left arm and the other hand went to her left hand. He began swaying the two in a waltzing movement.

Did he- want to dance?

Y/N was shocked, she did not expect this of all things from one of her captors. But she honestly, enjoyed it. The music caused her thoughts to drift from her mind and she just looked into the mans eye as they began to sway. Yes, eye. Not plural; the man dancing with her had only one beautiful brown eye.

Even though Y/N didn't know why this man who she didn't even know what his name was just came up to her and began dancing with her - she didn't care. She liked it and that's all that mattered. It felt like a special moment...a once in a lifetime thing. The two waltz throughout the entirety of the song. It was quite a happy and romantic moment between the two. The woman never would have thought another human being - let alone a man - would hold her like this.

Y/N placed her head on the mans chest, her exhausted self felt at peace.

A smile appeared on Y/N's face as she continued to dance the mystery man. Without another care in the world.

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