Chapter 16 - Getting Her Back (Recruits.)

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Hannibal's POV:

I will have to give Freddy credit, it was actually a pretty decent plan. Slightly insane, but insane enough that it just might work.
I would've said no if it didn't involve
Y/N. But I'd give anything to have her back in my life. So, it's worth the shot.

The decision I was about to make, may be either a really inferior decision or would benefit me into having her back.

"Okay...I'm in."

Now all we have to do is get some recruits.
And I know just where we could find some...

Norman's POV:

I woke up to my tummy rumbling, and began to head downstairs to go get something to satisfy my burning hunger.

I trudged down the stairs, dragging my feet whilst rubbing my eyes: trying to wipe the sleepyness away.
I open my eyes, and blink a couple times to get use to the bright sunlight pouring in through my windows.
I pass the dining room, and notice Freddy sitting at the table. I walk into the kitchen and-


I ran back towards the dining room and my eyes were correct, there was Freddy leaning in one of the chairs with his feet on the table; wearing his classic brown fedora, with his red and green stripped sweater, and baggy brown jeans.
He looked right at me and looked like he was waiting for something. But then the door bell rang. And Freddy smirked.

"Well? Go answer it."
Freddy directed, but something told me I shouldn't. That I should stay and make sure he doesn't try anything - but then the doorbell rang again.

It's too early in the morning for such a loud noise.

I jogged over to the door and opened it a crack, and there stood hannibal. He was wearing his usual formal attire that he wore even when we were kids; he stood there with a suit on. All black, except for the white dress shirt, and a black trench coat for the chilly fall weather. He and freddy looked so different from when we were all kids.

"Hello, Norman."
Hannibal greated. I was confused to see two of my old bestfriends at my house because...we never talk anymore. We haven't talked for years. We all just kind of went our seperate ways after what we all did. And yes, we all knew exactly what each and every one of us had done...I mean, everyone did: it was all over the news!
And still is every now and then on a news anchor channel called
'past is now present.'
Sounds like a headline to a gossip magasin if you ask me.

"Dr. L-Lecter." I stuttered. Hannibal obviously remembered my speech impediment, clear as day and kept a gentle tone.

"May I come in? Its urgent."

What could be so urgent at 8am? I don't even bother keeping contact with anyone and haven't gone outside for awhile - aside from my garden. So, what could be going on that I should be worried about?

"W-What s-s-seems to b-be the prob-lem?" I questioned. I didn't want to let him in my house unless I absoloutly needed to-

"Its about Y/N."
My eyes widened at hannibal's response...Y/N? what buisness could he have that has to do with Y/N?
Was she okay?!

I almost immediatly swung the door open for him to come inside. I jestered for him to walk in, and he did so.

"Thank you. Now, we should get down to buisness."
Hannibal stated, walking towards the dining room.

"I assume you've seen freddy already, yes?" He turned around to look at me; waiting for an answer.

I nodded.

He hummed and continued his walk. I jogged up to him after closing the front door and we walked side by side toward the dining room.

"I would have gone with freddy and done the same thing by just letting myself in but felt it was too impolite. So I knocked and was actually invited in."  He said the last part loudly, so that I assume Freddy would hear whilst we reached the dining room door.

"Oh shut your trap hannibal the cannibal! My way was easier, and alot more fun. By the way, did you know that you sleep talk, Norman?"
Freddy looked towards me. I blushed like a mad man, oh gosh. He was watching me sleep?

"W-Were you w-watching me s-sleep..?"

"Not per say, but I think the whole neighborhood heard you screaming
Y/N's name like that."
Freddy smirked, whilst Hannibal looked at me for an explination.

"Still have those dreams about her, eh?"

"Care to explain, Norman?"
Hannibal and Freddy stared at me.

No way was I going to explain anything to them about what happened in my room. That's my room, and this is my house. So its not any of their buisness what goes on in here.

"I-Its none o-o-of your b-buisness!"
I screeched.
"Now what do you want from me so badly that you broke into my house, Freddy?"

"Hey, I didn't break anything. I just slid on in here. Simple as that. Besides those dreams happen to the best of us. No need to get so pissy over it."
Freddy shrugged.
He was really starting to get on my nerves.

"That's not the point-!"
My voice was cut off by a calmer one stating.

"Let's just talk about why we are here."
Hannibal's stern voice buds in.

I was all for it, 'cause I wanted them out as soon as possible.

'Let's get this over with so they can leave.'

~~Time skip~~

They explained everything to me - on how to get Y/N back in our lives.

That included me having to go with them to help with said plan. But that meant spending alot of time with Freddy. I've only been around Freddy for 20 minutes and I am already so irrated by him.

Can you blame me though?

He is always teasing you about your private life, and always reading through your thoughts. That stuff is private! Why can't he just leave it be. much as I hate to admit it. His plan was...okay. And I really wanted to see Y/N. I wonder what she looks like now. She probably looks super gorgeous, more beautiful than you could ever imagine.

And my imagination was all I had to imagine what she looks like now...all grown up into a beautiful woman.

I couldn't wait to see her!

My mind just drifted off to thoughts of her, seeing her again, being with her and seeing that smile on her cute face. Before I could even really think it through, my brain decided to speak for me.

"I'll do it!"


We eventually gathered every one of the men who I use to be close with - even Bo's brothers wanted to help, and Bo actually let them; which was a first.

We also gathered a couple of our other friends we had made about a year after Y/N left. And they gladly wanted to know the mystery Woman who made all of us blush so violently.

It took us awhile to be able recruit Bubba because of Thomas. Thomas is very protective of his little brother. But after a little convincing he let Bubba join.

Well, we basically bribed him by saying it is our "only chance to find our true love".

We just needed Michael, he was going to be the hardest to recruit. Cause to get Michael that meant we had to break him out of Smiths Grove. Which would take alot of effort - and careful planning.

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