Chapter 44 - A decision must be made.

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Time went on and 10 movies later, I decided I needed something to snack on. Billy, Stu and I missed dinner, so, I offered to make some popcorn. To which, they almost instantly said yes.

They both had offered to make it for me, but I declined. I could do it myself, plus, this would give me a chance to scope out the layout of the house a little more in detail.
I needed to find a weak spot, a door I could use as a certain exit, without having to create a plan B because of a silly hole in my plan. It needed to be perfect. Which included having an exit I could be sure I could rely on, without it being locked, or something else I'm not thinking of.

I made my way to the kitchen, retracing my steps from the previous nights I've been in here. Usually because I had to make the boys dinner, which seemed to be a little...demeaning, considering I'm the only woman in the house, and I'm the one suppose to do it? That's a little unfair, isn't it?

I walked over to the black cabinets that hung on the wall, its paint having been chipped away slightly on the bottoms and edges. I opened the farthest cabinet on the left and lifted myself onto my tippy toes to reach the Popcorn. This was always the worst part whenever I had to be in the kitchen, is how high these cabinets were. It didn't matter how tall you were, I mean, Hannibal could barely reach them with his height of 5'8.

After a minute of me jumping to grab it, I finally grasped it in my hand. I rested my feet back onto the cold, tiled floor and walked over to the stove. They unfortunately didn't have a microwave, so I had to resort to the stove for almost everything.

I placed a small steel pot and dumped the popcorn in with some butter and salt, and put the lid on to they would cook faster, and evenly. Now all I had to do, was wait...

But in the mean time...I will be nonchalantly cruising around the perimeter of the kitchen, looking out for my escape options.

I quietly but quickly exited the kitchen, just walking around the kitchen's bar and glancing around, humming a soft tune to distract myself from the paranoia of 'what if I can't find a way out? What if I'm stuck here? Forever'.

My eyes darted in every direction and inspected every molecule in the space, leaving no stones unturned. I refused to not escape this place. It was absolutely draining being around these men, some of them seemed to enjoy my torment which is being trapped here. I couldn't take it much longer, I'm afraid if I stay around these psychopaths any longer I'll lose my mind!
I wasn't sure if it was my brain slipping out of my head, but I think they felt something for me...and as much as I hate to admit it, I kind of feel the same way.

A small part, so don't get it twisted into me being obsessed with these men, this isn't a fan fiction. It just felt nice to be loved the way I've always wanted to feel again. I felt special, taken care of, and around them. As if, I could just leave the world behind and be perfectly fine, as long as I had them by my side.

My body froze, stopping all movement and my eyes widened.

Why was I thinking like this?

I've made a promise to myself that I would leave this place and go back to my regular life, just like before.

But maybe Hannibal was right?

-Brief Flashback-

"My parents are amazing! How dare you say that!"
I held a scowl on my face.

I scoffed.

"Dear, I simply want the best for you. I worry about you, your parents are just no good."
Hannibal took my chin in his hand and tilted my head up slightly.

"My parents are good. They are decent people!"
I argued.

"That's just it dear, 'decent'. They are nothing extraordinary or amazing. They are just above being absolutely unhinged and in need of having CPS called on them. "
Hannibal retorted.

It was annoying that I was starting to see his point.

"When was the last time they had muttered so much as an 'I love you'?"
Hannibal raised an eyebrow slightly.

I didn't respond.
I couldn't actually remember the last time I ever heard either of them saying they loved me.

-Flashback Over-

What would I be going back to?
Neglectful parents who couldn't care less if I lived or died?
A soul sucking college that was the cheapest and closest to home, because my parents hadn't bothered to help pay for my tuition and that I'm now drowning in debt because of the fact?
My lower-than-average paying job at a flower shop who is keeping me in such heavy debts?
The loneliness? The dread? The fear of never finding anyone right for me?

I've never seen so much evidence and reason to not go back to that awful town, even if I was taken away from it in a way that no one would ever want to experience.

But was it smart to stay here? Was it smart to listen to Hannibal and stay put?

No. Right?
I should leave, the slashers are just trying to get in my head, to manipulate my thoughts to stop me from leaving...
But any person in their right mind would listen to such sane thoughts and stay?

I spot the back door in the kitchen and see no locks on it, I silently turn the handle, and low and behold, it's unlocked.

Just as I feel the small cold brush of wind on my face from the outside world that my body seemed so desperate to get back to, I hear a voice call.

"Y/N! Are you okay in there? Do you need any help?"
I recognize the voice as Billy's.

I quickly shut the door and shout back,
"No, I'm okay! Almost done!"

I uncertainly look back at my only escape from this place, it's chipping away paint and the sharp wind swooshing against it causing it to shake, taunting me, as if telling me to just open it and leave.

But one question remained on my mind in that moment,

What should I do?

[A/N : FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER UPLOADED! This chapter is more of a filler than anything else.
This will be a Choice A and a Choice B, where you get to vote and decide which direction the story goes in and what Y/N (you) sh'all do!

Choice A : She doesn't try to escape, and tries to make the best out of her time there and what little outside time she has.


Choice B : She does try to escape, and something, something, something, exciting stuff, no spoilers.

Go and vote! Next chapter will be the announcement of the winning decision!

P.S. Sorry this is so short D:


Much, much love!
Yours truly~ 💋

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