The Festival Begins

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It was now the day of the Vytal Festival. You and your teammates were now just outside the team entrance for the battle grounds discussing who should all go into the first match as only four people were allowed at a time. 

Ruby: Ok this isn't an easy decision once we choose who has to stay behind they won't be allowed to participate in the tournament with the rest of us. 

y/n: Good point.

Yang: You're right it's not an easy decision. 

Weiss: We need to pick our best if we want to get far. Everyone here will be giving their all.

Blake: I'll do it.

Everyone looked at Blake.

Ruby: Blake? Are you sure?

Blake: It's the best option. y/n and his brother both taught me how to fight. He's better qualified to fight in the tournament than I am. 

Blake looked at you and smiled.

Blake: Besides, I know how much he likes to kick butt with Yang.

You and Yang looked at each other and smiled and then looked back at Blake.

y/n: Are you sure you're alright with this?

Blake: Positive. It's what's best for the team.

Ruby then leaped up in excitement.

Ruby: Alright then, team RWBY! Let's show that team ABRN what we're made of!

y/n, Yang, and Weiss: YEAH!

You all then ran onto the elevator at the stadium entrance ready to fight in the tournament. Blake stood outside waving goodbye to all of you. 

Blake: Good luck!

The elevator then took all of you up to the stadium across from team ABRN. You all drew your weapons eagerly and team ABRN did the same. The battle grounds then set theselves up. Your team's side was volcanic wasteland turf while team ABRN's side was a frozen tundra. The starting alarm then sounded and the fight began.

Arslan and Yang ran up to one another as they were quickly locked into hand-to-hand combat. After a few swings from both sides, they both met each other's punches and launched each other backward about thirty feet from each other.

Bolin ran up to Weiss with his quarterstaff weapon and began attempting to pummel Weiss with it. But Weiss managed to parry his attacks and tricked him into attacking her as she created a pillar of ice in front of her catching his weapon in the ice. Bolin managed to pull his weapon out of the ice but as he did Weiss then leaped over the pillar with the help of her glyphs semblance as she switched the dust in her weapon Myrtenaster to wind dust. By attacking from above she sent out a gust of wind in all directions. It wasn't enough to knock Bolin away but it did disorient him. Weiss then took advantage of the situation and prepared another glyph behind Bolin before striking him with Myrtenaster blasting him away with a gust of wind and the propulsion from her glyph.

Ruby propelled herself forward with Crescent Rose and the help of her semblance Petal Burst as Nadir began shooting at her with his assault rifle-like weapon. The shots all missed as Ruby maneuvered through the air. Ruby then landed behind Nadir as she swung around with Crescent Rose and knocked him away. However, Nadir managed to catch himself while tumbling and began shooting at Ruby again. Ruby managed to deflect some of Nadir's shots but some managed to hit her. She then fired one more shot from Crescent Rose and knocked him away.

You were quickly approached by Reese as she converted her two pistol-like weapons into a hoverboard and began spinning around on it as she approached you. You managed to parry her attacks and began to spin around in sync with her spinning before you jumped up and kicked her in the torso knocking her backward.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now