An Unexpected Turn

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Opening with Cinder's perspective. 

Cinder was walking to the stands with Emerald to watch the first fight of the finals. Cinder was uneasy she was now carefully watching everything around her.

Emerald: *Whispering* Who was that woman?

Cinder stopped and turned to face Emerald looking around to make sure no one was listening. 

Cinder: *Whispering* I don't know. 

Emerald: *Whispering* Do we need to adjust the plans?

Cinder pondered for a moment.

Cinder: *Whispering* No. We go about things as we planned originally. This will not set us back.

Emerald: *Whispering* Ok, fine. But what about Mercury? Does he know what will happen at the end of the fight?

Cinder: *Whispering* I've told him what to do during the fight to make things more believable. But for things to be believable I've had to avoid telling him what the desired outcome would be. Whether he wins or loses the fight doesn't matter. You just be sure to do your part. Is that clear?

Emerald looked uncertain about the plan. 

Emerald: *Whispering* It's just... There are plenty of ways things can go wrong here. What if Mercury gets hit somewhere important. 

Cinder thought for a moment about what Emerald said for a moment concerned. She then placed her hand on Emerald's shoulder to comfort her.

Cinder: *Whispering* Emerald. I need you to listen. If things go wrong, I will fix them. Understand? For now, just use your semblance to try and minimize the damage.

Emerald still looked worried and sighed in frustration.

Emerald: *Whispering* Fine. 

Cinder took her hand back and stared at Emerald. 

Cinder: *Whispering* Things will work out, Emerald. But you need to listen. I told you before, don't think. Obey.

Emerald looked defeated.

Emerald: *Whispering* Yes ma'am.

Cinder: *Whispering* Good. Now, I believe there's a match about to start.

Cinder and Emerald then proceeded to make their way to the stands as a raven flew over them.

Switching to your perspective. 

You and the remaining students who qualified for the tournament now stood in the center of the battlegrounds. 

Professor Port: *Over Intercom* Sorry about the delay folks. The incident this morning is being taken care of by our best individuals. 

Professor Oobleck: *Over Intercom* And it seems the spirits of our students here at Beacon are not so easily broken. Their fighting spirits seem to be as ready as ever. 

Professor Port: *Over Intercom* With that being said. The Vytal Festival Singles Matches shall now begin! 

The randomizer then came on around the battlegrounds. The first two participants ended up being both you and Mercury Black. Mercury looked at you and smirked.

Mercury: This will be interesting.

You looked at Yang and your teammates who were all cheering for you as you smiled. You then looked back to Mercury.

y/n: I won't be going easy on you.

Mercury: So, I've heard you're a faunus. You don't shed, do you? I don't wanna get hair all over my clothes.

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