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Before anyone asks, CMNE is pronounced as carmine. It's a darker shade of red.

Coco, Yatsuhashi, Emerald, and Mercury all entered the battlegrounds. Both teams stood across from each other. While they waited for the fight to begin Yatsuhashi began to meditate. The battlefield randomizer began rotating while Professor Port and Professor Oobleck began spectating the fight.

Professor Port: *Over Intercom* Emerald and Mercury of Haven! Versus! Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon! 

You all then heard Velvet call out from next to your team to her teammates. 

Velvet: *In stands* Good luck you two!

The randomizer then selected the four surrounding biomes. Behind Emeral and Mercury was a savanna biome, behind Coco and Yatsuhashi was a geyser biome, and in the remaining two cardinal directions were a ruined city and a forest biome. 

Coco lowered her sunglasses as she looked at Emerald. 

Coco: Love the outfit kid.

Emerald: I'll try not to get blood on it. 

Yatsuhashi stood up and sighed. 

Yatsuhashi: I can't promise that you'll leave without a scratch. 

Emerald: I won't be the one bleeding. 

Coco: Oh I like her.

You and your teammates felt pretty uneasy about Emerald and Mercury.

y/n: *In stands* That's pretty dark trash talk for a tournament. 

Yang: *In stands* No kidding. 

Ruby: *In stands* They must take this very seriously. 

Blake: *In stands* A bit too seriously if you ask me.

Weiss: *In stands* Definitely.

Velvet: *In stands* Oh don't worry. Coco and Yatsuhashi are a very powerful duo. They'll be putting up a good fight.

y/n: *In stands* Let's hope so.

Professor Port: *Over Intercom* Three, two, one! Begin!

Emerald and Mercury immediately started walking backward into the tall savanna grass behind them disappearing from Coco and Yatsuhashi. Coco and Yatsuhashi then nodded to each other and Coco converted her handbag Gianduja into a minigun and began unloading it on the tall grass. You and your teammates noticed her eyes and orange strand of hair glow orange as the minigun seemed to fire much more powerfully. 

Ruby: *In stands* Woah! What was that? 

Velvet: *In stands* That was her semblance. It allows her to amplify dust using her aura. She likes to use it with her minigun to tear things up a lot more.

Ruby: *In stands* Cool!

Yang: *In stands* That's awesome!

Coco's minigun cut down all the grass in the savanna while tearing up the rocks and cutting down the big tree in the center of it. But, strangely Emerald and Mercury were nowhere to be found.

Blake: *In stands* Look out!

You looked up to where Blake was looking to see Mercury falling from above to attack Coco.

Yatsuhashi: Coco!

Yatsuhashi pulled Coco out of the way and blocked Mercury's attack with his weapon Fulcrum. Yatsuhashi then pushed Mercury away and Mercury landed on his feet as he skidded away. Coco began shooting at Mercury with Gianduja but Mercury began circling around Coco and Yatsuhashi as he dodged the bullets.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now