Beginning of the End

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Opening with Jaune's perspective. 

Jaune stood alongside his teammates while they all stood before Cinder and the six now corrupt advanced Atlesian Knights. Jaune heard Pyrrha scream in agony as the machine transferred unknown energy from the other girl's body to her body. Jaune was afraid for what might happen to Pyrrha but he knew that Cinder couldn't have been up to anything good. The Atlesian Knights all quickly began to attack. 

Each of the knights began to unload shots at Jaune and his teamates. Jaune was forced to use his Aegis semblance to shield them from the shots. Jaune was able to block all of the shots but the storm of bullets was rabidly chewing away his aura.

Ren: Jaune! You can't keep that up for too long!

Jaune saw Nora in his peripheral vision then looked up and smiled. 

Nora: He won't have to.

Nora then fired a grenade from Magnhild towards the ceiling. The grenade soon detonated and chunks of the ceiling soon began to fall. The knights ceased their firing and leaped back to avoid the debris. The debris then landed between Jaune and his teammates and the knights. Jaune stopped using his semblance but then the knights quickly then leaped over the debris while being propelled by the thrusters on their backs. Their guns quickly turned to gauntlets with what seemed to be tazers where the fists would be. The knights then leaped at Jaune, Ren, and Nora while propelling themselves with their thrusters. Jaune and Ren weren't able to defend against the electrical shocks and were stunned at being tazed. However, Nora was able to brace against the knight that attacked her and absorb the electricity with her High Voltage semblance. Nora then quickly used her semblance to amplify her strength and kicked the knight back before readying Magnhild. 

Nora:  NORA! 

Nora then began to swing Magnhild around her and caught all three of the knights in her swing before driving Magnhild to the ground and smashing them. 

Nora: SMASH!

Nora then turned around to Jaune and Ren. 

Nora: Are you guys ok?

Jaune and Ren struggled to get up and looked at Nora groaning in pain. 

Ren: Been better. 

Jaune: As well as I need to be.

Jaune and Ren got up as they saw Cinder climb over the debris. Cinder just looked at them with an offputting smile as nine more knights began to climb over the debris behind her. Cinder pulled out her weapon Midnight in blade mode from behind her as her eyes glew a fiery hazel glow as she heated up the blades. 

Jaune was afraid of the fact that they were just barely able to withstand only three of the knights and even without Cinder's influence. But Jaune didn't want to give up on Pyrrha more. 

Jaune: We'll fight however many you throw at us!

Nora and Ren seemed afraid too but they still stood ready with their weapons held. Cinder leaped down at them but Professor Ozpin zoomed past Jaune, Ren, and Nora quickly as he dashed right up to Cinder and knocked her back with a flurry of blows from his staff. The blows knocked Cinder into the debris but it didn't stop the knights from continuing their assault. In the rising chaos, Professor Ozpin called out to Nora, Jaune, and Ren.

Professor Ozpin: Keep protecting her! 

With Professor Ozpin helping them they were able to temporarily hold their ground. But soon more and more knights came and the overwhelming number of them began to overwhelm them all.  Professor Ozpin's aura was soon depleted and he was forced to attempt to knock all of the knights away by expanding a forcefield he was able to create with his staff which managed to knock most of them away but Cinder then found an opening and stabbed Professor Ozpin in the stomach area. 

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now