Walking on Ice

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It was the next day of the Vytal Festival. The doubles matches were meant to start today. You, Ruby, Blake, and Yang were all heading to the stadium to attend and watch the doubles matches for the upperclassmen teams. While on the ship you and your teammates all found team SSSN on the ship as well. 

Ruby: Hey guys!

All of team SSSN turned to look at you excitedly.

Sage: Hey!

Scarlet: Good to see you.

Neptune: Ladies! ...and sir.

Sun: Ruby, Yang, y/n, and Blake.

Sun winked at Blake and Blake bashfully looked off to the side while blushing. You chuckled at Blake's bashfulness.

Sun: How's it going?

Yang: We saw your fight yesterday. You guys did awesomely!

Yang rose her fist eagerly.

y/n: Yeah. We wanted to congratulate you all yesterday but Weiss ran out when she saw her sister was arriving here.

Neptune: Oh yeah? Where is Weiss anyway?

Ruby: Her sister said last night that they needed to talk. So she went off to see her sister this morning before she came to watch the tournament. 

Sun: Well she'd better hurry or else she's gonna miss the first few fights.

Switching Perspective to Weiss'.

Weiss was drinking tea with her sister Winter. 

Weiss: So what was it you needed to talk to me about and why not just talk about it last night?

Winter: I needed to tell you privately. Has he told you of his past?

Weiss: Yes. He said he and his brother were in the White Fang together but he left because he claimed his brother was changing. We've had our disputes before but we managed to work things out as teammates.

Winter: Is that so? I saw your team's first fight and I didn't see any real teamwork between you and him.

Weiss nervously took another sip of tea.

Weiss: Well, I mean... I have other teammates. Like Yang and Ruby. We worked well off each other I think.

Winter sighed.

Winter: Weiss. I know that a lot of people we knew were hurt or killed by the White Fang. But, we cannot keep deeming people like y/n as guilty because they were associated with it. That's the same mistake father made.

Weiss: I know. He developed the Faunus Rehabilitation Program several years before the White Fang began. It was supposed to put faunus citizens to work in the dust mines when they committed crimes until their behavior has, "improved." But it's more of a torture program.

Weiss looked off to the side in frustration.

Winter: Indeed. Now, do you think that ignoring them is any better than torturing them? You told me before you left home that you wanted to make a difference, didn't you?

Weiss turned back to face Winter.

Weiss: And I do! I want to make a difference but a lot of people in the White Fang, people like y/n. They've hurt a lot of people. People that we cared about.

Winter: I know, Weiss. But that wasn't before we started hurting them first. 

Winter put her tea down and sat up straight as she continued.

Winter: I know you want things to change Weiss. You want things to be different. To be better. But that won't start until you take action. That's why I turned down being the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company so that you could have it.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now