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Shortly after the fight between team JNPR and team BRNZ it was time for the next fight to begin.

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite. But these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled, teammates we've seen so far. I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN! Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with. And although he'll be representing the Mistral academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along. 

Sun and his teammates, Sage, Scarlet, and Neptune all stood across from Nebula and her teammates, Dew, Gwen, and Octavia. You all saw some fangirls hold up signs of the faces of Neptune, Scarlet, and Sage with hearts around them while another fangirl held up a sign of Sun's abs with hearts around them. 

y/n: *In stands* Looks like they're famous.

Yang turned to you.

Yang: *In stands* Don't worry babe. You're way more handsome than they are.

You chuckled a bit at Yang flattering you.

y/n: *In stands* And you call me a dork.

Yang giggled a bit.

Yang: *In stands* Only because you are.

Yang side hugged you and rested her head on your shoulder. You side hugged her back.

Weiss: *In stands* Good luck, Neptune!

Neptune was waving to everyone in the crowd before he looked at team NDGO in front of him. He then started flirting with them. 

Neptune: *Flirting* Ladies.

You and Yang: *In stands* Ouch!

Weiss got mad and pointed her hand out to Neptune.


Neptune then tried to flirt more as he gestured up his body.

Neptune: *Flirting* Ok ladies. Try to remember. Hands... above the waste.

You and Yang: *In stands* Ewww.

Sun then placed his hand on Neptune's shoulder.

Sun: Ignore him. For he... Yeah, he's dumb.

Weiss scoffed as she pouted.

Weiss: *In stands* I've noticed.

Neptune winked at team NDGO and they all looked away in disgust.

The arena then began to set itself up. Team NDGO's side was set up as a badlands biome with an artificial Sun. 

Nebula: Alright, home field advantage!

Sun: Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too.

The arena then began to set itself up on team SSSN's side.

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune: Be cool man.

The randomizer for team SSSN's side selected an ocean biome.

Gwen: Hey! The ocean!

Neptune: Huh?

Neptune looked behind him petrified as the ocean biome set up behind his team.

Ruby: *In stands* Uh... what's wrong with Neptune?

Blake began to hang her head sadly.

Blake: *In stands* Oh no...

y/n: *In stands* What's wrong?

Blake turned to face you.

Blake: *In stands* Neptune's... afraid of the water.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now