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You and your teammates all sat together in a row of seats. You sat next to Yang. You all watched below as the stadium set itself up. There was a forest on team BRNZ's side, and on team JNPR's side, there was a mountain. Both teams drew their weapons ready to fight each other. 

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Three... two... one...

Jaune raised his sword into the air.

Jaune: Come one guys!

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Begin!

Team JNPR then all ran at team BRNZ and they did the same, except for their teammate May who ran into the forest and positioned herself into a tree with her rifle.

Pyrrha ran up to fight Brawnz as he attempted to attack her with his gauntlet but Pyrrha parried it with Milo' and bashed him with her shield before slashing at him with Milo' and knocking him away.

Nora ran up to Nolan and began spinning Magnhild around her body but Nolan avoided her attacks by ducking under them. Ren attempted to help out but the May began shooting at Ren from her vantage point. The first shot missed and destroyed a boulder behind Ren. She then focused her shots on Jaune who was blocking Roy's attacks with his shield. Her shot bounced off of Jaune's shield and Jaune now looked panicked.

Jaune: Retreat!

y/n: *In stands* Looks like they're playing dirty.

Nora and Ren ran behind Jaune and Pyrrha towards the rubble behind them as Jaune and Pyrrha followed behind them. Jaune was using his Aegis semblance to shield them from May's shots. They all managed to get behind cover but they were then being chased by Roy, Nolan, and Brawnz. 

Pyrrha: What do we do?

Jaune: Spread out! Try to keep moving!

Team JNPR then split up and began taking on Roy, Nolan, and Brawnz all separately. Ren tried to take on Nolan again but was distracted by having to dodge May's shots as well. Nolan ended up tazing Ren with his baton-like weapon and fell back stunned. 

Nora: Ren! 

Nora then ran up to Nolan and attempted to swing Magnhild at him but he dodged under it and Nolan tried to taze Nora as well. However, Nora seemed to be unaffected. 

y/n: *In stands* Oooh. Things are about to end ugly for him.

Yang: *In stands* He's in for it now.

Professor Port: *Over intercom* Oho, it looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance!

Nolan: What?

Professor Oobleck: *Over intercom* Yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles. This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying. 

Nolan: What!?

Nora then channeled the electricity to her muscles making herself much stronger as she then took another huge swing with Magnhild and knocked him into a boulder on the other side of the battlegrounds. 

A thunder cloud then began to form above the mountain behind team JNPR. Jaune looked up and it seemed like he got an idea. 

Jaune: Nora! Get to the mountain!

Nora gave Jaune a salute. 

Nora: You've got it. Nora then ran up to the mountain and began to climb it. Jaune then called out to Ren who was beside him a moment ago.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now