A Monster Again

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You were now in your room sitting on your bed being lectured by General Ironwood. Your teammates stood outside while the room was blocked off by two Atlesian Knights. 

General Ironwood: I thought I had this disciplined out of you! 

y/n: James, I'm not lying. I swear I saw him attack me. 

General Ironwood: Well, video evidence and millions of witnesses say otherwise! And it all shows you attacking an innocent student because he slandered you for being a faunus! What's worse, a shot in a place like that could have killed someone! You're lucky that boy lived!

You stood up and faced General Ironwood.

y/n: James! You know I wouldn't lie to you. There has to be something going on here. I'm telling you the truth, I saw him attack me.

General Ironwood stared at you for a moment and looked down sadly while giving out a sigh.

General Ironwood: I know you wouldn't lie to me, y/n.

General Ironwood looked back up to you with a worried look.

General Ironwood: But I'm worried for you. When I found you out in Kuo Kuana you said you claimed you were a monster and now because of this the whole world is going to have a reason to see you that way. 

You looked down sadly as General Ironwood said this to you. 

General Ironwood: I want you to have a good life, y/n. But I can't change what the world sees. They've already drawn their own conclusions about you and now they're begging to draw conclusions about both Beacon and Atlas. I've already done all I can to keep you from going to jail, y/n. But I won't be able to do so again.  

You sat back down on your bed defeated as General Ironwood walked up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder. 

General Ironwood: I didn't want this for you, y/n. But whether it was an accident or an attack, I'm here to tell you that you've been disqualified.

You stood motionless and defeated giving no response.

General Ironwood took his hand off of your shoulder and began to walk out of your room. 

General Ironwood: I'm sorry.

Switching to Yang's perspective.

Yang and the rest of team RWBY watched as General Ironwood walked out of your room with a sad yet serious look on his face.

Yang: What's going to happen to him?

General Ironwood: He's been excluded from the tournament. He will be under probation for the rest of his time in Beacon but he won't be going to jail.

Yang and the rest of team RWBY sighed in relief but Blake looked worried.

Blake: General Ironwood, I don't know if y/n has told you but y/n and I have some history with each other. He and I were both in the White Fang. Does anybody out there know about that?

General Ironwood: I know, he's mentioned you along with his brother when I brought him back to Atlas, and don't worry about his history in the White Fang. I gave him a clean record so that he could have a fresh start.

Weiss: That's good.

Ruby: But we still don't know what happened down there. What did he say about what happened?

General Ironwood: He said that Mercury attacked him after having slandered him. 

Yang: Then I believe him. 

Everyone turned to face Yang. 

Yang: y/n, may have kept some things a secret from us before but he never lied to us.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now