Familiar Faces

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It was the morning of the finals. You were all on your way to the stadium on one of the airships. Blake had been extra quiet since last night since she told Yang about her mother's death.

Weiss: You know, Blake. You've been especially quiet today. Is something wrong?

Blake didn't answer Weiss and turned away from her.

Ruby: Blake?

Weiss began waving her hands around frantically trying to get Blake's attention.

Weiss: Blake? Hello?

You and Yang looked at each other feeling bad for Blake. You then stepped forward and placed your hand on Weiss' shoulder.

y/n: Weiss, there's something I need to tell you.

You looked towards Blake who was now glaring at you over her shoulder. You sighed in frustration but still understood Blake's secrecy.

y/n: If that's ok with you, Blake.

Blake continued to glare at you but soon nodded at you.

y/n: Ok.

You then walked off with Weiss while Yang explained the situation to Ruby.

Weiss: What's gotten into her?

y/n: There's something she's been holding back because it's not easy for her to talk about.

Weiss crossed her arms with a disappointed expression on her face.

Weiss: What?

y/n: It was about when her mom died.

Weiss' seriousness broke as she looked shocked.

Weiss: Her mom died?

y/n: Yes. But she didn't just die, she was killed. One of your company's employees hired a gunman.

Weiss' arms dropped as she looked a bit more shocked.

Weiss: What!? When did this happen?

y/n: About five years ago. In Menagerie when we were having a peaceful rally outside of one of your company's distribution centers. A sniper shot and killed her.

Weiss' shocked expression turned to disbelief and sadness.

Weiss: I heard about that event but when they told me, they told me that the ralliers began to attack the employees.

You were shocked at the fact Weiss was fed false information.

y/n: What?

Weiss: I heard it from my dad. He said that some people called in and told him that.

Weiss' expression became a little angry as she looked off to the side.

Weiss: At the time I believed it. But I know that there are people that aren't worth trusting in my family's company.

Weiss turned back to you with a serious look again.

Weiss: I promise, y/n. I'm going to do what I can to make things right with my family's company. Not just as a Schnee but as a huntress.

You grinned and nodded at Weiss.

y/n: Good.

You and Weiss then made your way back to your teammates and waited for the ship to reach the stadium. Since it was early you and your teammates all made your way to the cafe early to meet up with team JNPR before the matches began.

Switching to Pyrrha's perspective.

Pyrrha was sitting at the cafe with her teammates. Everyone seemed excited except for her. She was still afraid of what might happen to her if she were to be given Amber's aura. Would she still be herself or would Amber take over and control her body? Who are the people that want the Maiden's powers? These were the thoughts that were running through Pyrrha's mind. But Pyrrha was snapped back to reality by Jaune pacing his hand on her shoulder.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now