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You awoke to feel dazed in what seemed to be a tent. Your vision was still blurry; you couldn't see out of your right eye and felt like something was covering it. You began to try and sit up as you groaned in pain as you noticed a sharp pain in your back. You tried to reach for it but felt something holding your arms in place. You looked to your right arm and saw that it was cuffed to the bed by Atlesian cuffs. You were confused. Why would you be cuffed to a bed? With this question in mind, you began to call out for help.

y/n: Hey! What's going on!?

You saw two Atlas guards walk up to your tent. One began t gesture to the other.

Atlas Guard: Go let General Ironwood know.

The second guard nodded and began to walk off. You were still confused.

y/n: What's going on?

The Guard turned to face you.

Atlas guard: We've established a safe haven just outside of Beacon. The grimm are less active in this area. You're in a separate tent because General Ironwood had to restrain you because he claimed he witnessed you attempting to murder your brother. Don't worry he didn't shoot you anywhere important.

You were shocked at finding out that General Ironwood was the person who shot you. But it still only rose even more questions. But you knew the guard couldn't answer them so you waited for General Ironwood to show up. You began to hear footsteps nearby. Soon you saw General Ironwood walk into the tent. He seemed relieved that you were alright but he still seemed like he was worried about something. 

General Ironwood: It's good to see that your awake, y/n. 

General Ironwood turned to face the guard.

General Ironwood: I'll need to speak with him privately.

The guard began to walk off as you began to look at General Ironwood unsure what to think of him knowing he shot you during the attack at Beacon.

y/n: Jame's... why did you shoot me? 

General Ironwood looked at you somewhat sorrowfully but still kept a serious composure.

General Ironwood: Because I can't let you make that mistake y/n. I can't let you kill your brother.

You remembered how before you fell unconscious that Yang had gotten her arm cut off by your brother Adam. 

y/n: Where's Yang?

General Ironwood walked up to your bed.

General Ironwood: She's in another tent with some of the other students. They said that she's stable now. 

You breathed a sigh of relief. But then your anger started returning to you as you clenched your firsts in rage.

y/n: Where's Adam?

General Ironwood's face went completely serious.

General Ironwood: y/n, I know that he hurt Yang but you can't-

y/n: WHERE IS HE!?

General Ironwood proceeded to stare you down.

General Ironwood: y/n. I can't let you go after him like this. Killing him won't fix Yang. 

y/n: This isn't about fixing Yang! This is about making sure something like this never happens again! I can't let him hurt her again! You and I both know that he's hurt people before! And if I saw him do to you what I saw him do to Yang, I would have done NOTHING but search the planet for that monster I have for a brother and send him off to hell!

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now