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It's been a few hours since the incident where team JNPR was attacked. The guards have been closely monitoring the stadium since the attack. You were with your teammates and team JNPR in the medbay to make sure that they were recovering well. 

Jaune: So, that was your mom Yang?

Yang had her arms crossed in frustration. 

Yang: She's my mother. But she wasn't my mom.

Nora: Ok, I didn't have a mom growing up but I don't think it's normal for mothers to attack their daughter's friends. 

Ren: No, it's not.

Yang shrugged.

Yang: You can say that again.

Weiss: What would convince her to do that? 

Everyone looked puzzled for a moment. 

Pyrrha: I feel like she was trying to test me.

Everyone looked at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: When we were fighting she told me, "I wasn't half bad." 

y/n: Why would she feel the need to test you?

Pyrrha got silent she looked like she was hiding something. Everyone else began to look at Pyrrha worried. Jaune then placed his hand on Pyrrha's shoulder.

Jaune: Pyrrha, if there's something going on you can tell us. We're your friends. We won't tell anybody.

Pyrrha looked down sadly. 

Pyrrha: Jaune, I can't. I'm sorry.

You all looked at Pyrrha feeling bad for her but you then remembered that she was supposed to meet with Professor Ozpin yesterday. You also remembered the prophecy that Professor Ozpin had told you that he claimed foretold you to kill your brother.

y/n: Wait. Pyrrha, you saw Professor Ozpin yesterday, didn't you?

Pyrrha still looked like she was ready not to answer but nodded at your question.

y/n: I saw him a while back too. Before we went on our first mission. Did he tell you something that he said you can't tell anyone?

Pyrrha looked at you as though she knew what you were talking about.

Pyrrha: Yes. 

y/n: He told me something too. I can't say specifically what it is but... 

You stopped for a moment as what you were about to say was difficult.

y/n: He says I might have to kill my brother. 

Team JNPR looked at you shocked. 

Pyrrha: Your own brother?

Nora: WHAT!?

Jaune: That's crazy!

y/n: Yeah, it is. But there's more to it but General Ironwood told me that the world isn't ready to know the rest.

Pyrrha pondered for a moment as though she knew what you were talking about. 

Pyrrha: That sounds a lot like what Professor Ozpin told me. But he didn't just say that there were things the world wasn't ready for. He said that there were a lot more things than just that. 

Jaune looked at Pyrrha.

Jaune: Pyrrha, are you sure that you can't tell us at least a little bit. 

Pyrrha stood silent for a moment before turning to Jaune sadly. 

Pyrrha: Professor Ozpin told me that I needed to become something... special. But in order to do that, I might end up giving up who I am. Or even become someone else.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now