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Opening with General Ironwood's perspective.

General Ironwood was now entering Professor Ozpin's office. Professor Ozpin was stirring his coffee. 

Professor Ozpin: Hello, General. You said you wanted to talk?

General Ironwood proceeded to walk until he stood in the center of Professor Ozpin's office with a serious look on his face.

General Ironwood: It's time that we discuss something I've been considering for some time now.

Professor Ozpin took a sip of his coffee. 

Professor Ozpin: And what might that be?

General Ironwood: I want to take y/n back with me to Atlas.

Professor Ozpin sat silently for a moment as he set his coffee on his desk. 

Professor Ozpin: Is that so?

General Ironwood: I believe it's for the best. With everything that's happened lately, it would be best for me to bring him back to Atlas where I can keep a close eye on him again. 

Professor Ozpin stood up. 

Professor Ozpin: Oh? 

Professor Ozpin then walked in front of his desk to speak more closely with General Ironwood.

Professor Ozpin: But what about his teammates? 

General Ironwood: Teams require four candidates at least. They will be able to continue to remain a team. y/n will have opportunities to be a part of a team in Atlas as well. 

Professor Ozpin: And what about his relationship with Miss Xiao Long? 

General Ironwood looked shaken a bit as he looked to the side sadly.

Professor Ozpin: Do you truly wish to separate the two?

General Ironwood: I know how happy that girl makes y/n. 

General Ironwood looked back up to Professor Ozpin. 

General Ironwood: But he will still be able to keep in touch with her and be able to see her again once he graduates. I still think this is what's best for him now.

Professor Ozpin crossed his arms as he looked at General Ironwood with a serious face.

Professor Ozpin: So you believe tearing him away from the people he cares about is what's best for him? 

General Ironwood got a little angry.

General Ironwood: It's better for him than for him to commit fratricide.

Professor Ozpin lowered his arms.

Professor Ozpin: I did not decide this for him, General. The gods have. The relic has said it will be his destiny.

General Ironwood: His destiny should not be decided for him. 

General Ironwood then turned and began to walk towards the elevator. 

Professor Ozpin: Then he should be the one to decide whether he will leave Beacon or not.

General Ironwood sighed in frustration and turned to Professor Ozpin with an angry expression.

General Ironwood: Need I remind you Ozpin that your position here at Beacon is under question?

Professor Ozpin stood silent for a moment before speaking again. 

Professor Ozpin: Your position at Atlas is also under question now because of what y/n has done today, General.

General Ironwood turned away feeling somewhat defeated. 

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now