Divide and Conquer (Part 1)

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Opening with Emerald's perspective.

Emerald and Mercury were both on the ground having been banged up from fighting the woman that barged into the room they were in. After Cinder had given her speech and the grimm began to attack, the woman looked out at the chaos, turned back, and growled at Emerald and Mercury. She then used her katana-like weapon and slashed behind her creating a rift. She then ran into it. Emerald and Mercury began to get up and run up to the rift. 

Mercury: Hey!

Emerald: Wait!

Emerald and Mercury both ran into the rift and found themselves on top of one of the dormitories. While they weren't shocked that they were taken somewhere else they were shocked that the woman they tried to follow was nowhere to be seen. All they saw was a raven flying off not far from them.

Mercury: Damn it!

Emerald looked around to see that the grimm was still attacking like expected even though they had failed at making Pyrrha unintentionally kill Penny. 

Emerald: Well it looks like Cinder must have gone with that backup plan she mentioned.

Mercury: And what's that plan?

Emerald looked to Mercury a little troubled. 

Emerald: I don't know but she said that either way we needed to meet her at the rendezvous point. Which is supposed to be on top of one of the dorms.

Mercury and Emerald looked around and Mercury quickly saw Cinder on top of one of the other dorms. 

Mercury: There she is.

Emerald turned to where Mercury was looking and saw where Cinder was. 

Emerald: Alright, let's go.

Emerald and Mercury both began running across the rooftops to see meet up with Cinder. Mercury was still struggling with his wound and was falling behind a little. Once they reach Cinder, she looked very unsatisfied.

Cinder: Well, you both got here rather quickly. 

Mercury grunted in pain while clenching his wound.

Mercury: We were attacked. 

Cinder looked a bit shocked.

Cinder: What? By who?

Emerald: By the woman who attacked this morning. I don't know how but she must have found out about the plan. We were able to get here quickly because she used some sort of rift to escape. When we tried to follow her we ended up here and she was gone.

Cinder looked puzzled at she rubbed her chin for a moment but she soon dropped her hand and looked back up at Emerald and Mercury.

Cinder: Well, it doesn't matter. No one can stop us now. Besides, this way we have a new ally. 

Switching to Ruby's perspective. 

Ruby was looking at the nevermore above worried for everyone in the colosseum. Especially, her friends Pyrrha and Penny. Ruby was still shocked by what Penny had done during the tournament. But she still didn't want her to get hurt. So, Ruby leaped down into the battlegrounds and ran after Penny. Jaune, Ren, and Nora all jumped down to the battlegrounds as well and ran after Pyrrha. Ruby stood in front of Penny and in front of Pyrrha to try and reason with her. 

Ruby: Penny, what happened to you?

Penny stood motionless for a moment before her eyes glew red as she pointed all of her swords in gun mode at Ruby. Pyrrha was getting up with the help of her teammates. 

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