In the Shadows

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Opening with Ruby's perspective.

Ruby was making her way to one of the airships about to make its way up to the stadium again. On her way there she saw Velvet taking pictures of Sun as he walked by. Ruby decided to stop and say hi.

Ruby: Hi Velvet.

Velvet was surprised by Ruby but turned to greet her.

Velvet: Ruby! How are you doing?

Ruby looked a bit worried.

Ruby: Well, I'm fine but I'm not so sure y/n is. Anyways, what are you doing?

Velvet held up her camera.

Velvet: Oh you know, just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?

Velvet tilted her camera so that Ruby could see the photo. The photo was of Sun but Sun's head wasn't in the photo.

Ruby: That's...

Ruby stepped back and looked off to the side nervously not wanting to hurt Velvet's feelings. 

Ruby: Better.

Velvet then began to look worried.

Velvet: So, about your sister's boyfriend. Is he ok?

Ruby looked down sadly but still had hope in her eyes.

Ruby: Yeah, he's fine. My sister stayed back to make sure he got better.

Velvet put her camera away and looked disappointed. 

Velvet: I just think it's awful what people are saying about him. 

Velvet looked off to the side angrily.

Velvet: And to us faunus.

Velvet's expression returned to disappointment. 

Velvet: y/n's always seemed like such a dedicated guy. Your sister always seemed so happy around him. 

Ruby smiled.

Ruby: Well, I'm glad someone still remembers.

Velvet began shaking her head as she crossed her arms in disapproval.

Velvet: Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone.

Ruby tilted her head in confusion.

Ruby: Is that what happened during the fight?

Velvet: Yeah. She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the city area. She said it felt like tricks were being played on her or something so she shot down all of the trees in the forest thinking it would help. But when she was consulted they told her it may have been a result of stress-induced hallucinations.

Ruby felt uneasy. It all seemed too similar to what happened to you during your fight against Mercury. She began to look off to the side puzzled. 

Ruby: Yeah...

Ruby's puzzledness was then broken as Velvet took a picture of her with her camera. Ruby snapped her head back to Velvet surprised. 

Velvet: Oh, sorry. Force of habit.

Ruby then made her way onto the airship still troubled about what Velvet had said. Both situations felt too much alike to her. The thought, "Could it be a coincidence?" ran through her mind the whole way to the stadium. But ultimately she couldn't come to a conclusion. So she made her way to the stadium still confused.

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