Till Death Do Us Part

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(So this is actually a special oneshot for my amazing friend Lokiisbestantihero here, featuring some special guests she selected, who I'm tagging below)

Bubblehouse1 aka Liv
SiahLaufeysom aka Siah
vegemite-n-weetbix aka Charli
niniA915 aka Nini
whore4jamessbarnes aka Charlotte
xWhoreForLokix aka Giana
TheGoddessOfVanaheim aka Niyah (yeah I tagged myself lolol)

(Annnnnnnnd now, we can get on with the story!!)


"Guess who's here!" A voice announced, swinging open the bedroom door, revealing 8 different friends, wide smiles on their faces. 

"You guys!" said Sarah, who was organizing everything for her big day tomorrow. "I thought you all had a mission today." 

Charli raised an eyebrow, looking back to the others. "Who told her that?" Everyone shrugged and looked confused except for Niyah, who stood there, looking guilty as ever, making them give her a pointed look. 

"What?" She questioned, throwing her hands up. "It was like--2 in the morning when you guys asked me to come up with an excuse, lord knows what I was doing before that." 

"Why'd you need an excuse?" asks Sarah. 

"We wanted to surprise you!" Liv chimes in, helping Wanda and Charlotte bring in a big box of stuff. "It's your last night before you're a married woman." 

Siah nods in agreement. "Remember though, he breaks you, I break his neck." Everyone laughed, though they knew there was a heavy chance they meant that threat more than anything. 

Giana kneels down and opens up the box, pulling out item after item. "We've got wine, snacks, movies, makeup, the works." 

"And we kicked the guys out," Natasha adds, shutting the door behind her. "So we can all have some girl time for the next few hours." 

"You guys are amazing," Sarah beams, beaming all of her friends into a hug. 

"Hey, hey, no crying just yet, people," Charlotte jokes. "We've gotta have our fun first." 

"She's right!" Niyah piped up, tearing herself from the embrace to wipe a couple stray tears that had already fallen. "I've been way too emotional lately, you guys are gonna make it worse." 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" says Wanda, and with that, the fun begins. 

¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤   ¤ 

Hours later, the girls were laughing and joking together while halfway through their 3rd bottle of wine. 

"Alright, but seriously, we're really happy for you, Sarah," Liv starts after the laughter dies down mostly. "You found the love of your life, and joined the marriage squad." 

"3 down, 6 more to go," says Siah, pointing at Sarah, Natasha, and Niyah, who all wore amused grins, Siah taking a sip of wine in the process. "I don't get how you guys do it." 

"Well, Wanda could totally join the squad eventually if she and Stephen could stop dancing around each other," Nat hinted, giving the Sokovian woman a nudge. "When it's so painfully obvious that they like each other." 

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