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SHOYO HAS DEFINITELY had better days. something about this particular moment just wasn't ever considered a good moment to look back on. 

"AHHHH- OW!" shoyo landed in a trash bin in the alleyway.

oops- sorry. i think we skipped a part... my bad, let's rewind...?


the ever so enthusiastic ginger was simply minding his business, listening to music while he finished up —cheated on— his homework at his desk, everything was normal.

that is, until he couldn't find an answer for one of those "fill in the blank" questions. shoyo was never one for homework, so he always looked things up or asked other people for answers. unluckily for him, nobody had them so he asked his best friends, chat gpt and google.

today just didn't seem to be his day though because we all know damn well that fill in the blank questions are almost always impossible to look for answers to.

so he did what anyone else in his positiok would do, stress out and yell at inanimate objects.

strangely though, when he was about to rip his hair out in frustration, his papers seemed 'glued' to his arms. 

"what the hell," he looked at the half-blank sheet of nonsense that was stuck to his arm and started shaking his arm around, "why won't it come off? i'm not even holding it?!"

he tried to pull it off with his other hand, but in all his fortune that became stuck as well, and then his other papers stuck to his elbows, then his pencil stuck to his fingers and things just got worse from there on out.


now his stress levels had risen, shoyo spilled his papers all over the place and they were sticking to every part of his body. when he tried to grab his phone to answer the incoming call , well... i think you can imagine that it got stuck.

he had to use siri to answer it and put it on speaker.

"hello...? sho, what's all that noise, are you alright?" the girl on the other side of the phone call asked, the only thing she could hear was muttering of curses and constant papers ruffling and crinkling around.

"...did I call at the wrong time?"

"no! uh— it's fine, y/n, i'm just... hold on— oW! fuck, what the- UGH. gife me one sec!" the poor boy was really struggling, "listen, i'll call you back later. i'm kind of stuck with something right now."

(dumbest joke i've ever heard but you do you man)  [so we're just gonna pretend that you aren't the one that wrote that? ight.]  (shut up.)

"oh! alright i'll-"

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now