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"WELL SHIT." y/n walked into class and immediately regret the fact that she decided to arrive to class early.

her least favorite person in the world was there, just waiting for the one he loves to bother the most, y/n. he was obsessed with picking on her for no apparent reason and it pissed the girl off.

"yo, y/n! why don't you come here and sit." he yelled from afar and motioned to his lap.

his friends laughed and y/n scoffed, attempting to quickly pass him to get to her seat. unfortunately for her, he put his leg out to stop her.

"i think you forgot where you sit, sweetheart."

"shut your bitchass up and move your leg, yamada, or i'll kick it outta the way."

he chuckled and moved, "yes ma'am."

so he said, but before y/n could pass he tried to trip her, luckily she caught herself, but it didn't stop them from laughing.

"oi, she said to move, did she not?"

the redhead put his hands up in surrender and laughed it off, brushing off the glare and threatening tone coming from the other figure. yet he remained in the way.

y/n turned her head and saw —in all his intimidation and glory—  kei tsukkishima. looking down on the group of immature teenaged boys, 'when'd he get here?'

all but yamada nervously looked at each other, sweating bullets.

"so move." he challenged.

yamada hesitantly shuffled himself and moved out of the way.


kei and y/n walked past them, the girl looked embarrassed and kept her head down but the growing boy seemed unbothered.

y/n sat at her seat next to him, "thank you! i dont know what i'd do without my favorite blonde." she joked. kei just rolled his eyes and muttered a 'whatever' before looking away.

as y/n was waiting for class to start, she noticed a blur of orange run past her class, of course, it was shoyo. the boy was almost late to class, but as he ran past her classroom he noticed that she was there and turned back around to wave.

her eyes lit up when she saw him and she waved back with a soft expression, matching his gentle, joyous look.

seeing him always made her face warm and her heart melt, in her eyes, he was perfect. nothing could outmatch his smile, his eyes, or his personality.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now