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╰┈➤ ❝ Y/N !!

Shoyo slid on his knees in a clumsy manner as he wrapped his arms under Y/n's body. He grasped one hand at her nape and the other was lifting your back up as he positioned you to sit up more.

Although you were unmoving.

A villain with the inhumane power of shapeshifting by any person or animal went rogue and had ultimately started to not only destroy complex buildings but also harm people.

Y/n had been one of the victims, and with just her luck she seemed to be the only one who was knocked out.

The others only held minor injuries, but she had been trampled by debris and was not able to recover enough in time to notice the shapeshifter ready to pounce. Spider-Man had not been able to reach the girl in time as he was preoccupied from webbing any structures that were deemed to fall into harmless civilians.

"Please, no no no no no this cant be happening," he pleaded. The young hero softly shook her and lightly nudged her face to wake her up, but to no avail, "Y/n please. Get up, get up, get up! Damn it, Y/n this is not the time to sleep just wake up!"

He looked around frantically, spotting the villain who continued to cause havoc made his fists clench and he glared.

Shoyo brought his fingers to her neck to check her pulse and sighed in reflief. He slightly chuckled, "You almost got me there, Y/n."

Before returning to his job he picked the unconscious girl up carefully and brought her to the police, who weren't much help to begin with but they were the safest option. At least she would be able to get some type of treatment by the time he was finished.

He had to trust that she would be okay, she was only unconscious. She's fine, he had no need to worry.

"So have you always had these powers or is this more like a recent thing?"

The hero hanged upside down from a streetlight as he tilted his head slightly in a questioning manner, genuinely curious for the answer the villain would provide, "Cause I only recently got mine too, about a year ago, actually. Now that I think about it, maybe it hadn't been all that recent. But you get what I'm trying to say, right? I mean- it's not like I ever noticed super humans running around and ruining this city before I got my powers. Oh my gosh- wait. Am I the one who gave it to you guys?"

Shoyo gasped and the villain grew irritated as an irk mark appeared on his forehead and his impatience grew, "What if you guys only got your powers because I got mine?! Am I the problem?"

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now