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"SO WHEN IS HIS birthday?"

"uhhh... i think it's like, early june?"

tobio stopped walking which made y/n stop too and look over to him with a confused look, "you're fucking kidding."

"i'm deadass." she responded.

"it's not even may, why're you getting a gift so damn early?" he started walking once again, glancing at the windows every once in a while to see if he would find anything interesting.

y/n shrugged, "i don't feel like doing it last minute,"

she pointed to the food court as if asking whether he wanted to get some food to which he nodded, "and besides, kōshi's birthday is in june too, so i'm getting him something too."

he gave up on the argument, knowing that your logic was beyond belief at times, "well let's eat first, then you go buy whatever it is you need to and then we leave. i don't wanna stay here."

"yeah yeah, whatever." she waved him off and they both went into the line to order some food.


"well, if i were a crime fighting hero that could stick to walls and shoot out sticky stuff that strangely resembles a spider web... what would I call myself...?"

shoyo was roaming the city, not really minding any of his surroundings. he was just letting his legs carry him wherever.

"hmm," he suddenly stopped and looked to his right, beyond his reflection he saw a comic book through the window of some random store, "is that spider-man? what-"


the idea popped up in his head like a little lightbulb to go with that name.

shoyo had given his aunt an excuse regarding his situation because he needed a favor from her. one that'd be his cheapest option at least.

he needed her to make him web shooters, though he played it off like it was meant to be a more complicated looking water gun.

she was a brilliant woman, especially in science and mechanical areas.

she really thought he was cosplaying or something he was too shy to admit it when he had asked her about it.

shoyo immediately rushed home, which wasn't very far considering he had just left the house fifteen minutes ago.


"you didn't even finish this!"

y/n showed the front side of the homework paper he had handed her a few minutes ago so that she could copy, but not fully so it didn't seem like they were cheating.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now