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"HMMM..." ANOTHER NIGHT had come around and the stars shone almost as bright as the beautiful moon.

the city was bustling with cars in the traffic and people walking around, most likely going home after a long day of work.

y/n had the window wide open for shoyo, knowing he'd come any minute now, and patiently waited with a book to read on her bed for him to come climbing in and rant about his dangerous adventures of saving the city.

shoyo always came in bad condition, and it would always get progressively worse. but the boy had made his decision, so she was in no place to stop him, even if it was within her best wishes.

y/n admired him for having such selflessness in him to always risk his life, but man, just how much could he really handle?

she dreaded the thought of a day coming where he runs into someone who truly has the advantage to overpower the ginger.

what would y/n tell his mother? his sister? his aunt? his friends? what would she do with herself?

"man, i'm beat."

and in comes the boy wonder himself, who relentlessly worked himself to (almost literal) death.

she thought he deserved a break, but villains don't wait for heroes. so shoyo did not have vacation opportunities.

she wondered how he was even able to keep such a secret with the rest of his family and friends, especially a boy as chatty and energetic as him.

shoyo sprawled himself on y/n's carpet and sighed, "i could lie here forever."

the girl rose from her spot and approached the one who practically laid himself limp onto her floor and crouched before him with a deadpanned look, placing her arm on her knee, "i wish you would, you need to give yourself a break every once in a while, sho."

he groaned lazily before sitting up with a huff, "i already told you, i don't have time for that. this is more important."

"yeah yeah whatever." she rolled her eyes, getting up and beginning to walk out.

he followed after her quickly and grabbed her wrist, "y/n," he started when she had looked back at him, "you know i would if i could, right? i just can't—"

"i know, shoyo. i know."

she gently pulled her hand away from him and continued to make her way over to the kitchen for some food, "that doesn't make me any less worried."

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now