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"WHAT THE . . . ?"


shoyo didn't even flinch, he was more focused on the fact that he literally sensed the girl sneaking up behind him.

he's never been able to to that before, was this part of his new power, he doesn't just stick to stuff? there's more? he didn't even know how to react to any of this anymore, he had thought that everything was done and over with. that he got everything he needed to know.

looking down at his hands, he flexed his forearms whenever he'd open and close his palms. 'in that case... what else can i do?'

"uhh sho...? what's up with you?"

y/n was always so quiet, like you couldn't even hear her footsteps. whenever she scared him, he was always surprised, it was always a jumpscare. her would quite literally jump in his spot and yell, but this time was different, this time he didn't move at all.

no flinching, no screaming, no frantic running in circles and yelling for help to whatever higher power there was. nothing.

he just... stood there...

"yoo-hoo, earth to moron. i don't have all night."

shoot continues to look down at his hands, and then moved his hand to the back of his neck, slightly rubbing it a bit.

"dude... you didn't even move. if you aren't scared shitless like usual then what's wrong?". y/n was worried, as per usual. but she was also getting a bit impatient.

he whispered, "awesome!"

"SHO!!" y/n got tired of waiting, what was he muttering about?

and did he see her coming? he's always scared, never having his guard up and always running around like a headless chicken after a jump scare.

well, whatever.

"oh! sorry y/n!" the boy sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "let's go get a milkshake!" and so they raced inside and ordered what they craved.


"what flavor did you get?"

the two hopeless teens were sitting on the steps in front of the gas station, enjoying their shakes and watching the stars as they glimmered, and the moon as it shined bright as ever.

even when the clouds would block its light, the moon was still there. even if it was hidden, the fact that it wasn't really gone didn't change.

"hm... guess," shoyo didn't know what flavor he got, he just clicked on whatever looked best on the giant screen they ordered on and hoped it would taste as good as it looked.

"give me a hint," she really had no idea, he got new flavors every time.

"nope! no hints!" he exclaimed, showing his pearly whites while he gave a close eyed smile.

"...i give up," instead, y/n leaned over and sipped from his straw, "hmm, peanut butter cup?"

shoyo was flustered, his face was red so he put his hood over his head and just kinda held it between his thumb and index finger. it only really covered his eyes though...

"uh- y-yeah...?" he didn't really know. just went with it in hopes to keep her satisfied.

y/n turned away from him and chuckled at his flustered state. she really enjoyed hanging out with him, his smile is always and will always be the highlight of her life.

"hey y/n."

"hm?" she turned around to see his face right in front of her, she thought she would have a heart attack, i mean they were literally face to face, barely an inch away from each other.

they were incredibly close to each other, and she jumped a little in her spot. his expression took a 180 in three seconds.

from a flustered state to cocky grin.

"i would consider that an indirect kiss, wouldn't you say?" and now it was the girls turn to get shy.

he had a smirk on his face, knowingly tilting his head to appear innocent.

her eyes went round, and she didn't know what to say.

"you got a little somethin," shoyo muttered while he started to reach out, his smirk only grew with his actions, "riiiiiight... here."

he wiped his thumb over the side of her lip and backed up in his original spot, he leaned back on the steps, bringing his thumb to his lips.

"hm, just chocolate?" he hummed.

"yeah... i— well i wasn't... i didnt wanna get something pricey..." she muttered out, butterfly's prancing around in her stomach.

"haaa, you should see your face right now," the boy laughed at her embarrassed expression, "i can practically hear your heartbeat!"

it was weird, because he really could hear her heartbeat. it wasn't exactly loud or anything, it was racing sure, but it wasnt aggressive. just a soft drum.

'enhanced hearing.'

"oh, shut up! you just caught me off guard is all!"

"yeah, right! i totally had you."

"whatever," she sighed. thus boy really had her on edge.


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