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"DAMN SHOYO, I KNEW you had hops but this seems like a world record!"

sunday had arrived, much slower than you would have liked, and the few people that showed up for open gym were impressed with the boy.

shoyo's little 'spider powers' had quite literally given him an unbelievable advantage.

though, being the fair and honest guy that he is, shoyo couldn't help but think of it as cheating, and he'd tried his best to hold back. but it was failing almost completely.

sure, the teen already had amazing reflexes and could already jump high and run fast without the powers, but now, all his senses were heightened, his reflexes are more responsive, and his instincts are practically one of an animal.

not only that, but his strength and speed were incredibly unrivaled. he believed he could break olympic records if he really wanted to. but he didn't. because then it wasn't fair, and it wasn't real to him. even if the world would have thought so.

y/n was extremely suspicious of him, what had been going on with him lately? was he on steroids? was he doping? or had you not realized he'd always been like that?

no. you were confident that you knew his play-style. and people don't get like that overnight.

he seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, calm yet somehow simultaneously jumpy. shoyo could even receive perfectly now, a skill he'd struggled with for a while.

he hasn't even been hit in the face with the volleyball yet!

in his perspective, everything was in slow motion. everything was just too easy.

"o-oh! i just had— uhm— extra... personal... training...?" he still wasn't a very good liar, but he tried his best.

"well shit, sign me up too. if i had those moves maybe i could carry my team to the championships this year!" you said, thinking about how uncaring your teammates were when it came to winning and taking practice seriously.

there was a reason why you were suspended for so long from any club activities. they pissed you off.

shoyo was practicing his hits while y/n received, and sure she got the hang of it, she's used to adapting quickly. but man, it still hurt like a bitch. how did he not have callouses? his could be swing his arm so fast, so strong!

(a/n : bro i literally get callouses all the time when i hit and it hurts so bad i'm not even playing i feel like my fingers are gonna fall off)

y/n was also a libero, just like her brother. she's had reflexes that could rival shoyo's (before he got bit by that damned spider of course). It it actually y/n that inspired yū to start volleyball in the first place, and she encouraged him strongly to get into it.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 .ᐟ     𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖣𝖤𝖱-𝖲𝖧𝖮𝖸𝖮 𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖠Where stories live. Discover now